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A large Sith dreadnought would make its way towards Korriban, releasing a shuttle just above the planet's atmosphere. The shuttle quickly shot down towards the planet below, on a path for a landing pad connected to the Sith academy. The small gray shuttle turned around and parked on a landing pad not much bigger than the ship itself. The engines cut off and the wings folded back up, connecting at the top. The shuttle doors opened, and about five younger men and women stepped out, walking towards a set of large doors. One particular young man wearing the armor of a Sith Acolyte stopped to look around at the jagged and cracked statues around the landing platform. As he stopped, another new student bumped against his shoulder and he glared at them. They stopped a few feet ahead, glanced back, than walked on, clearly not caring. He rolled is eyes and walked on forward as the academy's Overseer nodded at a few of the students before walking with them to the entrance of the academy. The last Acolyte walked up as the Overseer began to talk. 

Overseer Harkin: Ah, the last of the group has arrived. I hope you don't think you're special. It would be a shame if freedom went to your head, or if you somehow got the idea you didn't need to pass your trials to become Sith. Lord Zash has tasked me with sorting through you recruits to find one worthy of being her apprentice, and I intend to do just that. 

Xane Bravius: Don't get so sentimental over us. We've only just met. 

( His tone was sarcastic and had a small hint of irritation behind it. )

Overseer Harkin: I won't. Now, the rest of you gutter trash already know your trials. Go on while I get this latecomer up to speed. 

Kory: Watch your back friend, and don't worry. He can't kill us all.

( She had a small smile on her face. She was clearly a nicer person for someone who was supposed to become a Sith academy student. )

Xane Bravius: I'll attack from the front, you attack from behind, and we'll see how he fares. 

Kory: Uh... Yeah. Looks like you can handle yourself than.

( She walked away, nervous and slightly uneasy by his trigger-happy response. )

Overseer Harkin: Now, slave, for your trial: There's a hermit named Spindrall who lives in the tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of the Dark Lords. Spindralls a lunatic, but Zash sees him as some sort of prophet. Seek him out and he will test you. 

Xane: The more challenging the trial, the better. 

Overseer Harkin: But there - you know your trial. Seek out the lunatic Spindrall in Ajunta Palls tomb. Dont keep the madman waiting... Slave. 

( Xane only glared at the Overseer as he walked away. )


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