info and A/N

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Before we start chapter 1 here's an info about y/n and some drawing I made while I was away!

Name:Y/n l/n
Age: 22
Gender: female  (you know very soon. why I made the reader a girl in up coming few chapters about her past.)

Y/n is college student with her chosen course her part time job is a chief every Thursday, Wednesday and Sunday.
But her main job is a assasin.
Now you question? How did she get clients? How did the clients find her?And how did she earn money?

Well it's simple here's the explanation.

Y/n specifically made a link or a site on the internet. To where everytime someone is angry to someone and that person who wants the person to be killed but couldn't because they well end up in jail. The link or an ad that y/n made. Well pop up on the persons laptop, cellphones and more. By clicking or pressing the link or the pop up ads they well  immediately be send a seperate link that shows information to how hire assassin ala y/n how can the person pay to y/n and after the client reads all of the information it well show the clients to a separate phone number of y/n

The price for killing are :
1 to 2 victims is  5k each.

3 to 5 is 8k to 13k

6 to 10 is 20k to 33k

10 above is 40k to 100k.

But if the client Don't have any electronics well she can be summoned on a simple ritual that only needed goats blood and create a sigil inside in anyroom, lights off and the client should be facing to the dark room without lights only darkness and there should be a candle inside the room only

And the client should say this ritual poem (that I made ofc)

"Alone in a darkest room, a lit of a candle , is a smiling friend. Justice and revenge is just so hard to accomplish. But the shadow won't disapoint you. Walking out of the shadows I thee summon the shadow assassin of the night. "

But her part time job is just a distraction just for fun or just out of boredom

I'm gonna stick with Headcanon or canon personality of the creepypasta but when some of creepypasta have no wiki or any info about their personalities or relationships so I'll keep researching. But anyways I ain't gonna make their personality cringe and wasn't on character I based the personalities from wikis or head Canon's. (My opinion)

When y/n was born she was born with ALEXITHEMIA conditions that is when a person had a difficulty experiencing, identify and expressing emotions. To not have emotions. But Alexithemia can still feel love when it's strong enough.

Her combat weapons are
Dagger, and any kinds of guns. (Assault rifle, glocks,riffle and more)

Info about her: she's both tomboyish/masculine and feminine at the same time. Or the clothes just changes her.

And also she's a top or Dom (just joking, ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ😃)

Her personality is a: Selcouths or an Enigma, but she's really chill but apathetic and calm
Or a Kuundere, Kuundere means : is a Japanese term for a character who appears to not have emotions.
often stoic and expressionless they remain calm in a stressful situation.

Her sexuality is like a : demiromantic or an demisexual and why is she a demiromantic or a demisexual because
It was caused on childhood trauma. Means lack of love and caring from her childhood and never any love or any affection from her "parents" she's like a ghost to them and a mistake but it do be needing a strong bonding before she gets into a romantic stuff.

Spoiler: she was blamed for killing her mother at birth and the fact she was a girl. While her siblings are boys.and she was being sacrificed later on.

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