Part one| 'time to get wasted, bitch'

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If someone mentions the word 'society' to me, I'd either re-think the pathetic decisions I've made regarding society or my mind will just decide to fuck up completely.

Or at least I'd try to evaluate the fact that I've miserably failed to fit in amongst our social community mainly consisting of either total whores, bitches, or gigantic dicks.

And, if I'm completely honest with you, the people who aren't complete whores, bitches or dicks are usually classed as rejects.

And then somehow all the whoreness and bitchiness and the dickness and the rejectness usually comes together to form the crazy, fucked-up, sometimes depressing goddamn misfit gang known as society.

And if you find yourself in a situation where you are high as fuck, completely wrecked and unable to stop yourself from speaking full sentences without mentioning the word 'ermphhh', you need to realise the reason you were so fucked up in the first place was because of people. (i.e society)

So, this is the fucked up, crazy, sometimes depressing, hopeless story of how society ruined us teenagers.

And this is where it all began.

"You've got to be kidding me."

My friend Taya stands there with a grin on her face. All we could see before us was Michael Clifford running around the school hallways like a twat and practically screaming out random song lyrics.

"I don't even get him anymore," I say, shaking my head. I chuckle slightly. "Do you think he's high?"

Taya rolls her eyes. "It's Michael Clifford. He's always high."

We begin to walk further down the hallways, heading to the lunch room. Taya raises an eyebrow at me and shakes her head.

"Why the fuck is Michael Clifford screaming out one direction lyrics?!"

I laugh. "Is it wrong I know all the words to this song?"

Taya nods. "Yes, Kendall. Yes it is."

I shutup as I open the door to the lunch room. Suddenly Michael stops screaming 'steal my girl' and follows us. I sigh, facepalming my forehead.

Michael pushes the door open hard before running to the far left corner of the room to sit with his group of utter fuckboys. I've heard that Calum hood once banged 5 girls in one night. And in all honestly it didn't surprise me.

Taya and I sit down at a table and grab our phones from our pockets. I quickly glance over at the man whore community and notice Ashton Irwin acting like he owns the place. This too didn't surprise me. He knocked one of Cameron Tanner's teeth out last year.

I then take a quick look at Luke Hemmings. God, I swear he's the worst, just before Michael. They both get so wrecked to a point where they shout 'policemen get me horny' so loud everyone's eardrums break.

One time he tried to hit on Brea Lane and Brea laughed because she knew Luke would rather fuck a policeman. And that she already had a boyfriend, who in which she's still dating. His name is Kade Taylor. He's my brother.

But unfortunately Kade was too much of a wimp to throw Luke a punch for hitting on Brea. Brea didn't mind though. She's usually a total bitch but when it comes to my brother she's one of the nicest people you'd ever meet.

Taya taps my shoulder. "Kendall?"

I turn around instantly and reply with a high pitched 'yeah?'

Taya shakes her head. "You know you're crazy right?"

I nod. "Forever and always."

Taya begins to laugh. "You're a crazy hoe, but you're my crazy hoe."

I chuckle and then smile "Hey man, I'll be a crazy hoe until the day I die. it'll be written on my gravestone, in fact."

I jump as I get another tap on the shoulder, but not from Taya. In fact Luke Hemmings. I sigh.

"What do you want, Lucas." I ask, my tone of voice instantly dropping to a 'shit, where's my fuckboy repellent.'

"Here," Luke says, passing me and Taya something. I huff.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask, getting slightly frustrated with the fact Luke Hemmings is within 5 feet of me.

"It's a fake ID."

I laugh. "No way am I taking this shit, what am I going to do with it?"

Michael then runs over with one of Ashton's old bandana's wrapped around his head.

"We're all gonna go clubbing tomorrow, you know, get high, drink a shit ton of vodka..."

I push my fringe back. "Are you fucking serious?"

Michael chuckles as he looks at Luke. Me and Taya sit there in confusion.

"Hey come on Kendall, you're a hot girl. Do you wanna fuck with someone tomorrow?" Michael says, causing my eyes to widen.

"No thankyou." I say quietly.

Michael winks at Luke and Luke tenses his fists, passing him a warning look.

Michael chuckles. "Let me re-phrase that, then. Do you want to fuck me?"

"Haha fuck no." I reply

Michael flares his nostrils.

"Okay then, do you want to fuck Ashton?"



"Erm, still nope."


"You've got to fucking be kidding me."

Michael chuckles. "You didn't say no!"
He then winks at Luke and Luke's eyes widen. I swear to god they looked like they were going to fall out.

Calum and Ashton also decided to prat around our table. Where was my goddamn fuckboy repellent when I needed it. I was internally screaming.

"I heard the word fuck being mentioned!" Calum exclaimed. I sit there disgusted. I actually have a theory that if someone mentions a sexual word Calum gets a semi hard dick.

"We were just persuading these sex bombs to come out partying Saturday." Michael says with a wink.

Taya moves closer to me and whispers in my ear:

"I kind of want to go," she admits, "I mean, you did tell me yesterday it would be pretty cool to go out to a night club."

I thought for a moment, then looked over at quite an excited Taya. I look up at Luke who smiles at me weirdly, causing me to cringe.

"Okay then, we'll go." I decide. The boys erupt with a loud 'weyhey!' And grin like idiots.

"But I'm not going to fuck anybody, Thankyou very much."

Michael and Calum sigh, but then Michael get's over it and sits on the table, reaches over and shakes my hand.

"Time to get wasted, Bitch."



Whoop whoop muthafucka's Kendall decided to go ;)

++ I'm seeing one direction in concert in September so I decided to mention steal my girl because #whynot

Ily all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) x

-Ella 🍆

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