Solver Hero-Episode 8: The Calvary Battle!

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I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and I turned around seeing Midoriya.

Y/n: Sup, Midoriya. What's going on?

Midoriya: Y/n, I have something to ask you.

I looked behind him and saw Uraraka with another pink haired girl.

Midoriya: Please, be on our team.

Y/n: You want me on your team?

Midoriya: Yeah, the missing person we need on our team is you.

Uraraka: Deku, you're asking Y/n to be on your team? That's a good idea! He can use his Quirk and beat everyone!

I noticed the pink girls goggles and I kinda got pissed. She gives off engineer vibes and kinda reminds me of the company engineers. She tried zooming at me but my special eye popped up and the symbol appears on my finger tips making it appear around her back pack or whatever she's wearing.

Y/n: Don't even try it. I really hate anything to do with engineers.

She pouted and I let her go making the symbol and my special eye disappear. I turned around and saw Jiro walking over.

Y/n: Hey, Jiro! What are you doing here?

Jiro: I was walking over here to ask you to join my team, but then I see you talking to these three and holding her hand.

Y/n: Huh?

I looked back and saw the pink haired girl examining my hand for robo-god knows what. I "gently" grabbed her hand and took it off mine.

Y/n: Bite me! Anyway, Midoriya's doing the same thing.

Jiro: *sighs* Anyways with you on the team I'm sure we'll be able to get to the next round so we would like to have you on the team.

Y/n: Being on a team with someone I understand would work good...

Jiro: *smiles* My thoughts exactly, so that's why--

Y/n: I'm gonna have to pass on that. I'm already on team Midoriya.

Jiro looked shocked.

Jiro: What... Why?

Y/n: It's a first come first serve kinda thing and I feel like he could use the help.

Jiro: Is that the only reason why, if it is then you should join my team where we have a high chance of winning.

Y/n: I have that chance no matter what team I'm on. I just feel like joining Midoriya's team more.

Jiro just looked more shocked.

Y/n: Let me put it like this, Midoriya's sitting nice at first place without using his Quirk. He's a quick thinker and a good strategist. He's way more prepared for this than me anyway.

I looked back over to her and she looked sad.

Y/n: You don't have to take it personally. Everyone was a enemy since the first game and I got a promise I gotta keep.

Jiro calmed down and smiled.

Jiro: Yeah, you're right. All of us are enemies. You're not the only one who wants to go to the next round. So don't come crying to me when you don't get through the next round. I'm gonna give it everything I got and come for that ten million, doofus.

Y/n: *smiles* Like I'm gonna let that happen.

We both nodded at each other and Jiro left.

Midoriya: Uhh, Y/n? Are you sure you don't wanna join Jiro's team?

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