𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄: "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤..."

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There was a Girl Named "Emilie" who loves to go to the library and read books. She is a 23-years-old, which means she's in her early adult-years.

Most women in her age were already married or started a career...

Emilie on the other hand, was just an ordinary girl who loves to expand her imaginations by reading books, with visuals, pictures or not... Emilie adores every book that contains fantasies that awaken her creative mind.


One day, When she went to the library with her usual time that she goes in there, her eyes twinkled as she realized that the place had new books in stored.

Emilie's eyes widened in surprise, as she could feel her lips stretching, as she was smiling due to the happiness and excitement.

After seeing all the brand new books, emilie immediately runs to the aisle where the sci-fi and fantasies were, she jumped in excitement before finding the perfect book for her to read, there were a lot of options since various books were added.

A picture cover caught her eyes as she glanced to a particular book, the color of the book peaked her interest. Emilie grabbed the book and took a quick notice that the book's cover was one of the art-styles and design that she admires.

With this, emilie pulled the book close to her nose, before smelling it, she noticed it smelled like it was one of those books that smelled like it was a hundreds of years old. Her nose got tickled as she just loves the smell of old books.

Looking around as emilie sat down on a table before settling in, and reading the book.

Emilie noticed that this particular section of the library was not frequented by many people. However, her excitement over the new book she had discovered outweighed any concern about the lack of visitors. She remained undeterred and wholeheartedly focused on the treasure that lay before her.

As she placed the book on the table, she read the title as she whispered it gently through her lips "The Book-Monster".

Emilie let out a small giggle as she finds this book's title quite silly. Assuming it was a children's book, judging by the cartoonish-art style of the cover and the title itself was like any common children's book.

As Emilie began reading the first page, she was immediately captivated by the intriguing introduction. The words on the page drew her in, and she found herself deeply fascinated by both the story and the enigmatic main protagonist.

Time had passed by...

Emilie lost track of time and unintentionally dozed off at the table. Unaware of her slumber, she woke up to find herself surrounded by darkness and silence. Emilie rubbed her eyes and scratched the back of her head before getting up and surveying her surroundings.

Checking her watch, she discovered that it was 10:59 PM. A gasp escaped her lips as she realized she had fallen asleep without realizing how late it had become.

As Emilie roamed the dimly lit library, she marveled at its vastness. With millions of books, it was easy to get lost, but Emilie, a frequent visitor, knew every nook and cranny.

However, as she made her way towards the exit, she heard a distant grumbling noise that startled her. In the silence of the surroundings, even the smallest sounds could send shivers down her spine. Emilie quickly turned around, but all she saw was darkness. Frightened, she decided not to investigate further and started running away, feeling a sense of being watched and pursued.

Her heart pounded, and her breathing became rapid as she ran, overwhelmed by fear. Suddenly, she heard growling approaching, causing her to scream and tears to well up in her eyes. Being alone in a vast, dark space with an unknown creature chasing her was a terrifying experience beyond imagination.

Emilie's fear intensified. In her panic, she tripped over a book on the floor, falling down and injuring her knees. She groaned in pain, tears streaming down her face, as she sensed the monster drawing closer, its heavy breathing echoing through the room.

Desperate to defend herself, Emilie grabbed the nearby book and threw it, shouting, "Leave me alone, you freak!" She took deep breaths as she crawled away, her legs trembling.

Suddenly, a sharp claw gripped her ankles, pulling her back. She shrieked and screamed, kicking her feet and desperately clutching the floor. The monster's deafening roar pierced her ears as it showed no mercy.

"N-No... Please... Leave me alone...!" Emilie pleaded, but the monster remained indifferent, dragging her closer. The last thing she remembered was a heavy object striking her head, plunging her into darkness. Unconsciousness claimed her as her ordeal continued.

- To Be Continued...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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