Part 1

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Error had been betrayed by Nightmare's gang and Blue. Then he was ambushed by practically every sans. Now he was returning to a quiet antivoid. There was a puddle of magic on the ground. He found a note and began reading it.

Dear Error,
Fate has been found guilty of many crimes and was removed from the multiverse. You now have full control over the antivoid. Some voices may visit, but they will be nice. You can change the antivoid to however you want. It was also seen that Fate twisted those you considered family's minds to turn them against you. Only having your sister left. Only you and your sister will be able to freely travel the antivoid and void. Because Fate took your family, you are going to be given a new family. The leftover magic from your battle is now merging with your own. From that children will form. You will find everything you need to care for them here. Don't worry about your job to much, Ink's creating will be limited, and no original AUs will get caught in colliding. It would be helpful if you continued to destroy, but you do not have to.
Bye, Destiny

Error stared in shock. Then he ran over to the puddle of magic. He could see as small souls and bodies began to form. He ran a check.

*A puddle of magic that will form into the destroyer's children
*The destroyer, Error, is their mother
*The fathers are different for several
*The fathers are Nightmare!Sans, Dream!Sans, Ink!Sans, Reaper!Sans, Fresh!Sans, Swap!Sans, Killer!Sans, and Outer!Sans

Error stared in shock. 'This place isn't suited for children!' He thought. He opened the codes. He changed the sky to mimic Outertale, and now there was fields of flowers and woods. He set up a mansion to live. In one of the rooms he had the puddle of magic. The mansion had his bedroom, 25 other bedrooms, a large kitchen and dining room, 3 living rooms, a nursery, and 5 playrooms. He also had several storage areas. For now, he set up his room and a room for Pixel when she visited. He also began setting up the playrooms, kitchen, dining room, and living rooms. He then set up his beanbag in the room with the puddle, wanting to be there when the kids finished forming.

Error watched excitedly as, the next day, he watched three finish forming. "Hi Baby Bones," he cooed. "M-ma?" Asked one. "Yes, I'm your ma." He said. He carefully scooped up the three and took the, to the nursery. He did a check on them revealing one was the daughter of him and Ink, one was the son of him and Nightmare, and one was the son of him and Dream. "You'll be Paperjam, you'll be Tenpatch, and you'll be Rem." He said. The baby bone babbled happily.

He quickly got the hang of caring for the baby bones. His sister visited occasionally. Apparently, she had gotten to change up her part of the void as well. She had started setting up firewalls on original AUs as well. She was rather busy so she only stopped by every now and then. Rem had to have stabilizers for his hands. Error gave him ones with gold suns on them. Almost a year and a half had past. Error was checking up on the puddle when he saw some kids begin to finish forming.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. If you want to see what the kids look like, check out the characters/ship kid chapter.

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