The Plan

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~ Abby ~

For heavens sake.....
"Is this necessary?" I say sitting in my chair nervously
We were in a really expensive restaurant with a table that had many forks and spoons on it with candles and everything.....
Ren chuckles on the other side of table.
"Our day off is a day I want to spend with a beautiful girl" He says

I look the other way and my hair covers my face as my cheeks go warm by the second and my heart starts to ache as he smiled at me with this killer smile.
"Here are your drinks, madam" A butler comes and puts down my drink down
He had a French accent which was really cool.
"Thank you" I say grabbing my drink

~ Ann ~

We're just having tea......but! Why I'm I so nervous?!?!
"Would you like a biscuit that I have made?" He asks
I tense up as I heard his voice. My heart was pounding, I could just hear it...
"H-hai...." I say reaching for a biscuit and my hand was shaking like a weird person

I mentally face palm.
"Thank you..." I say bringing it to my mouth
I look up meeting blue eyes. I gulp.
"The tea is hot..." He says pouring my tea
He's wearing his robe thing.....when I first watched this anime and when I saw him in that robe thing it made me fangirl....

~ Abby ~

My breathing became shorter as Ren was staring at me with his smile.
"W-what?" I ask as I try to glare
He chuckles.
"You seem very nervous which I find quite cute" he says
I gulp.
"I'm not" I say looking away trying to hide my red face

I want to fangirl and scream at the moment but I can't. As I was looking away and trying to get my breathing under control. Trying to tell myself that I need to stay calm and chill.
"Hello my ladies~" I hear Ren say
I hear some girls giggle.
"Oh dear me~" some girl says
I won't bother looking.
"I'll give you a rose for being so beautiful~" Ren says
I slowly turn my heard seeing three girls that were really......forget it!

I stood up angrily making my chair fall back. I pick up my drink as I saw Ren flirting with those girls. I walk over to him and pour the drink all over him.
"What are you doing?!" Some girls asks loudly
I glare at them and they slowly back off.
"Thanks for the lovely dinner" I say and head for the exit

~ Ann ~

"That isn't how you pour tea" A deep voice says
I look down to my lap and clench my fists. Camus.
"You place your hand here and you can pour the tea easily" Camus says
I bite my lower lip as I slowly look up seeing Masato and Camus.

Masato was crossing his arms wasn't even watching Camus as he was pouring the tea elegantly. Earlier Masato was pouring the tea traditionally. I gulp. This isn't good....
"I do not follow the royal way, I only follow my tradition" Masato says
Camus makes a sound.

I look up seeing Camus putting sugar into his tea. Two scoops.....three scoops...........six scoops!
"CamusSenpai.....isn't that too much?" I ask staring at his cup which I could see the sugar almost nearly half full
Camus stirs it and takes a zip. I widen my eyes.

~ Abby ~

I was walking down the sidewalk without any disguise. I was so mad and upset to even notice anything.
"Abby! Wait!" I hear Ren calling me
Forget it. I stop and wave down a cab. As I was getting into the cab. Someone grabs my arm stopping me from getting into the vehicle
"Wait..." Ren says
I close my eyes and yank my arm out of his grasp then glaring at Ren

"What?!" I say loudly
Ren looks at me sadly. He grabs my hand.
"Don't even think about apologizing.....don't bother" I say yanking my hand out of his hold
I turn around but Ren pulls me into a hug.

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