01. Grounded

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You soar through the forest on your ikran as Jake cries out followed by Neytiri. They bank right and the rest of the riders follow, descending slightly to a clearing. Their two sons, Neteyam and Lo'ak are at your sides. You pray that they would not cause trouble and that all would go well.

A maglev comes into view and your group nears closer to it, two aircrafts are at the front. 

"Ground team, go!" You hear Jake say through the comms. The ground team blows up the railing, a fume of smoke and fire send the aircrafts steering away. The maglev falls off the railing and flips, sending the compartments into the air. They collide with each other, causing even more explosions.

Jake dives and the others follow him, he shoots down the enemy aircraft and Ney'tiri takes down the other. Above, you, Neteyam, and Lo'ak remain on your ikrans, watching for any incoming enemy aircrafts. You adjust your bow on your back as you move towards the brothers. 

"Don't do anything stupid," you warn, giving a pointed look towards Lo'ak. He smiles sheepishly and you break off and move on ahead to scout.

The moment you disappear from sight Lo'ak turns to his brother, "Bro, we have got to get down there."

"No way! Dad will skin us!" Neteyam hisses, "Did you not just hear what [Name] said?"

"Come on," Lo'ak shrugs, "Don't be a wuss." He dives down and Neteyam shouts after him.

"Lo'ak! Get back here, you..!" Neteyam groans and follows him.

They hit the ground and dismount their ikrans, "Bro, let's go. Come on!" Lo'ak urges.

You hear Jake through the comms, saying there's a gunship inbound and to fall back. You immediately direct your ikran back to the site and slide your bow off your back, already preparing an arrow. You hear explosions and you urge your ikran to hurry. When you don't see Neteyam or Lo'ak you panic slightly, you told them not to do anything stupid.

The ship fires more missiles and your vision is blocked by smoke and fire. You pull back and cover your face with your arm. 

The smoke clears and you can see the ship going down, and you assume someone else took it down. The ship crashes and you hear someone shouting.

"Lo'ak, where are you?! Neteyam!" It's Jake, shouting frantically while running across the battlefield.

"Jake!" you shout, "Jake!" He doesn't seem to hear you as he comes upon Lo'ak. Your heart beats with relief when it looks like he's unharmed. But quickly beats faster when you realize Neteyam isn't with him.

You dive down and land right beside them. Jake pushes his son towards you, "[Name] get him outta here!"

You nod and haul him onto your ikran behind you.

"I told you not to do anything stupid." Your ikran shoots off into the air, and regroups with the other riders.

Lo'ak hears the tremble in your voice and his ears lower in shame."[Name], I'm sorry." He wraps his arms around your waist and lays his hand against your back.

Jake joins the group, and an injured Neteyam is with him. But it doesn't seem serious, and you thank the Great Mother for that small mercy.

You sigh and pat Lo'ak's knee. His embrace tightens as you ride in silence on the way home. It isn't your place to scold him right now, and you know Jake will give him an earful later.


The horn blows, announcing your arrival back from the raid. The People rush to see your party as you all dismount the ikrans.

"Mom!" Tuk runs up to Ney'tiri who embraces her, she chants Tuk's name as her hand holds the back of her head.

You remove your queue and pat your ikran, glad that everyone made it out alright. You glance towards Jake and he's pissed. It makes you feel bad for his sons, but you also know that he was extremely worried for them.

"Fall in," Jake says, he turns towards his eldest. "You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys and you call 'em in. From a distance!" He seethes. "Does any of this sound familiar? Get here!" He points next to Neteyam and Lo'ak trudges next to him. Kiri approaches you and inspects for any injuries and finds none. She hugs you and you hug her back. She breaks off and moves to her brother, and examines his injuries.

"Jesus. I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders." Jake's voice starts to speed up. "Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded? Please?"

"My brother is wounded," she says, and Neteyam shrugs her off.  Jake's patience is thinning out as he tells Tuk to go with Kiri. Kiri rolls her eyes and leaves, Tuk follows her with a groan.

"Sir," You step in, "It's my fault, I wasn't watching over them." You were slightly older than them, growing up with them you knew how it felt for them to be lectured by Jake like this. 

Jake isn't having it, "No," he says, "It's not your fault [Name], it's these knuckleheads' fault." You wince as Lo'ak looks at you.  Shaking your head, you step back. "You're the older brother," Jake says to Neteyam, "So act like it." 

"MaJake," Ney'tiri cocks her head to Neteyam. "Your son is actually bleeding."

"Mother, it's fine. I..." He mumbles and shakes his head. 

Jake's critical gaze waivers and he turns, "Just go and get patched up. Go on, dismissed." Ney'tiri pushes her son forward and they leave. Leaving you and Lo'ak with a pissed Jake Sully. Jake glances at you and you take the hint, backing away to your ikran. Spider appears and you nod in acknowledgement. You both tend to the ikran, unpacking the equipment.

Jake loops his hands around his gear, "You do understand that you almost got your brother killed."

"Yes sir." Lo'ak blinks but doesn't lower his gaze.

"You're grounded. No flying for a month." Spider glances at them then looks to you. You shrug and motion for him to keep unpacking the ikran. "Now, see to the ikran. All of 'em."

"Yes sir." Lo'ak turns but Jake isn't done, "And get that crap off your face." You internally scowl as he walks away and Lo'ak makes an annoyed sigh. You look at your own paint, bright lines of red and orange.

"Come," you pull him towards the ikran, "You know he loves you very much."

Lo'ak feels some of his anger subside as you hold his hand. He rubs his thumb along your knuckle and mumbles, "I know." You decide to leave it at that and you lead him to your ikran, who Spider is now tending to.

"Alright lovebirds," Spider teases, "Less smooching and more working."  You let go of Lo'ak's hand and he reaches for you but you're out of reach. He pulls back and slowly starts to work. You smack Spider who stops making kissing sounds and laughs.


"Ow...ow!" Neteyam hisses as his grandmother applies salve on his wounds.

"Aw..." Spider's voice is full of mock sympathy, "Want [Name] to kiss your boo-boos?" 

You ignore him but your tail flickers at his words. He laughs as Lo'ak shoves him.

Kiri hands Tuk a remedy, "I would use yalna bark." She stands up and moves to Neteyam.

"Oh, you would?" Your Tsahik glances at Kiri, "And who is Tsahik?"

"You are, Grand..." Kiri tells Lo'ak to move and shoves him out of the way, "You are, Grandmother. But yalna bark is better." Lo'ak rolls his eyes and moves to stand next to you. Neteyam lets out more pained cries, "It stings less."

You kneel in front of Neteyam and rub his hands soothingly, "Mighty Warrior," you say. He groans again as Mo'at rubs his wounds again.

"Maybe you should kiss my boo-boos," he jokes. You snort and shake your head,  "Skxawang. Don't be a baby. You'll be fine, 'Teyam."

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