Maiden Voyage

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Good Heavening Listeners!

This is RJ Phlox and you have tuned into 33.3 IM Readio, the fIrst ever radio on print.

We did attempt to start a conventional radio, but we found your ears plugged with ear phones and hand phones. Hence, we decided to make ears out of your eyes.

For the hearing impaired, please adjust your spectacle.

If you need help adjusting to the right frequency of the readio, please see an ophthalmologist. If you hear noises or distortions, it may be time for you to change your spectacle.
Unlike conventional radios that modulate on amplitude and frequency medium, 33.3 IM Readiomodulates on intellectual medium, the frequency of the mind.

Warning: If you consider yourself too young to know about the secrets of life, please switch off the readio IMMEDIATELY and tune in only when you are mature enough.

We also do not advocate parental guidance here as it may cause interferences to our frequency, leading to misleading misguidance.

Any sudden movement to the Nerve of thought is expected and not regretted.

Unlike conventional radios that are hosted by radio jockeys, 33.3 IM Readio is hosted by readio jockeys from all over the world feeding you beverages and food, for your thoughts, squeezed afresh from our mind. We don't plan to serve any unthought frozen food but do expect some gestures out of our refrigerator, now and then.

You have tuned into 33.3 IM Readio which is the official radio station of In10City,a virtual nation in the State of Mind.

As each transmission is adequately buffered, you are allowed to jump to any section of the broadcast without having to press forward or rewind. You have the flexibility to put us on pause or make us repeat as many times as you want.

We pour in only as much as you can take and will not spray everything onto you. We have no plans to dump articles on your mind.

Each episode of 33.3 IM Readio comes with a Thoughts Control set to MAX. Please remember to adjust to your desired level on your own control panel.

We may also invite Miss Understanding to hear her thoughts at regular intervals.
Since you are tuned in, you probably have passed your own maturity test and should be able to handle our weather forecast report.
The weather can be cloudy today, with light showers of knowledge expected all through.Listeners are advised not to use umbrellas which can prevent them from getting drenched.enlightening strikes are also expected to occur in various areas.

Light to heavy blunders are expected in certain areas too. This weather report is brought to you by ...(sorry, we forgot that this is our first issue). So it is brought to you by none other than us.

Thank you so much, meteorology for warning us about the dramatic climate the ship will experience! But before we head on to the main part of today's program, we have some 

Breaking News!

A new Nation has been invented and has been named "In10City" by Con Fessori, a professor who retired even before he could finish his studies. He founded In10City beside the land of Incapacity, located in the Continent of Incontinence.

A bunch of us, Mavericks, were roaming around an old park for amusement when we spotted a tired old soul trying to start a ship. The ship's destination board read:To IN10CITY.  We got curious and decided to approach the old soul. He introduced himself as Cap10 Con Fessori and explained to us about the Virtual Nation he has discovered and that he needs help to push-start his vessel. We were extremely interested in his mission and the exciting new state he can bring us to.

Thus, we struck a deal to sail with him to In10City, since we were doing nothing anyway.Cap10 Con Fessori, has already informed us that, during the journey we will be gaining a lot of experience in Turbulence, as the journey will be through various avenues of Calamity, thatno ambulance can reach.

The Cap10 has also generously installed radio equipments in the ship, so our conversations can be heard by all. Cap10 Con Fessori has given us all an "RJ title" using which we would be interacting with you, along the way.

Since In10City is a virtual nation with no geography or history, no race or religion, no law or language, no nothing, our task would be to build values for In10city in the air along the way. We do have plans to bring aboard more as we sail and we do expect things to get more exiting en-route.

All right, the ship has started and we are all set up to commence on this great expedition.And now, we are all going to sing our temporary national anthem, Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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