Change of Plans

287 14 4

Word count: 1162
Summary: A screw up in schedule brings you just the change you need.

Every time I go to the gym, I make sure I'm early enough to evade any creepy men. I always follow through with my routine of getting an early start with a small breakfast, but I made the mistake of sleeping through my alarm. Much past it. My late start meant the usual crowd would be different this time of day.

As soon as I walked through the doors, the atmosphere felt off. I tried brushing it off as me veering off schedule, but I couldn't help but notice two suspicious men in the back. My luck couldn't be that bad to encounter creepy guys on the one day I come at a different time, right?

Being thrown off my routine screwed me up and I planned on doing squats when those guys relocated. I skipped to my arm workouts. Once my earbuds were secure and my music was blasting, my worries ceased. I worked with my biceps and back muscles because that's hot. I aspire to be like the sexy muscular women who could break my back in seconds.

Halestorm pounded through my ears as I did each rep. I glanced around the room to examine the regulars at this hour and my gaze kept catching a muscular woman with black hair with hot tattoos trailing her legs. God she was gorgeous. And she kept looking right back. My glances always went back to the weight station I do my squats at, where the men resided. They were watching a woman doing lunges. It was obvious they were commenting on her, but they never approached her. Perhaps they were all bark and no bite.

I gathered the courage for my squats when I finished my arm reps. Eyes were trailing me and I prayed they belonged to that muscular goddess.

I downed some water before grabbing a weight and beginning the workout. My focus remained on the burning in my calves. These reps were relatively newer than my original routine. I thought thick thighs would go along great with my arms and back but my burning calves say otherwise.

A tap on my shoulder startled me, nearly causing me to drop the weight. I turn to see the guys mouthing words, so I quickly pull out my earbuds. They had the courage to approach me.

"What're you listening to? You seem to be pretty concentrated," the blond asked me, his eyes quickly trailing up and down me.

My brows narrowed as I lowered my voice. "Halestorm. Why?"

The other one, a redhead, said, "What song? And how often do you come here?"

Red flags blew through my mind as I contemplated my answer. "I Miss The Misery. Why are you so curious? You didn't directly bother the other women, so why me?"

The blond one was caught off guard. "I—We were watching and thought your workout was impressive, you know? Thought we could find a personal trainer. You look like a perfect fit."

My grip tightened on the weight, prepared to bash it into their noses. They're foolish to think I didn't notice them slowly inching toward me. My encounters have never escalated this far, and it was always one man, though usually older.

"You were watching me? If I wanted people like you watching me, I would've danced on a pole to make it that money rain on me ages ago. Why don't you go hire an actual trainer instead of gawking at women trying to do their thing?"

The redhead reached a hand out but immediately snatched it back, his eyes going wide. The two looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Are they bothering you babe? We could go out for our smoothies earlier if you'd like." A female Australian voice came from beside me as an arm snaked around my waist. It was her. She could definitely take it from here.

"I was handling it pretty well but yes let's cut it short." I glared at them as I let her drag me away. She grabbed my gear and handed it to me, but left her arm rest around me the entire time. My stomach did somersaults each time her grip tightened as we veered our way around the equipment to the exit.

"Wait right there for me so I can tell the employees they need to escort those two out," the burly goddess told me. My feet stayed planted as I watched her inform them. I had to sneak a peak at her figure. It was only fair since she had her hands on my waist.

Our eyes locked as she returned. Her black tank top exposed her broad shoulders toned with muscle. I had another chance to admire the tattoos on her legs before she noticed me staring.

I was too curious to not bring it up, "Could you turn around and flex your muscles?"

She smirked and did as I asked, showing me her back muscles.

"That is insane. That's exactly what I'm working toward."

She turned back toward me with a glint in her blue eyes. "I think you're getting there. I can show you my workouts sometime. Did you still actually want me to take you for smoothies?"

I nodded and she led me out of the gym, holding the door open for me. She pointed out her black truck in the parking lot so we could head toward it. She insisted on carrying my gear even though she had her own to carry.

"You're taking me on a date and you've already had your hands all over me but I don't even know your name," I teased.

"Rhea. Call me Rhea. I'm taking you out and I don't even know your name. I could be buying for a serial killer for all I know." She tossed me her keys anyway to unlock the doors.

"Y/N. If I were a serial killer, those guys would be dead by now with their loved ones still searching for them." I gave her my best smile as I opened the door for her.

As she climbed in, I went over and got in the passenger side. She put our things in the backseat before starting her truck. "I am sorry I had my hands on you without permission. I guess I was so focused on scaring those idiots off. You were handling it pretty well, too."

"It's ok. I appreciate the help. I usually don't come this late so there's hardly anyone there when I go."

She had a hand on the steering wheel and the other rested over the center console. "I reckon I'll have to change my plans so I can meet you at the gym from now on."

I shifted in my seat to inch closer to her. "I'd like that. Speaking of changing plans, can we go to the bookstore too? A new poetry book was released and I need it in my collection."

"Poetry? That's adorable. Of course we can."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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