i m p o r t a n t

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As much as we love to daydream and escape from reality, please know that some things that can work in fiction absolutely will not work in real life without resulting in serious danger or harm.

This book contains depictions of relationships that should not be replicated.

In particular, age gap in relationships, power imbalance in relationships, and unethical relationships. These are all incredibly damaging, some illegal, and should never be sought after.

This book exists to explore these fantasies and desires in a safe space.

In real life and online, please be careful. Tell your friends to be careful. Look after each other. Protect each other and yourself. Let's all be here for each other. :)

let's keep our dreams in our dreams and our fantasies in our heads, okay, bestie? these ones do not need to become reality, okay?


keep your eyes open in real life and online, queen!! look out for gross groomers because they are everywhere and disgusting. you are WAY TOO GOOD to be dealing with any of that. you don't have to put up with that, okay? EVER.

here are some signs to look out for: https://rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs (if this doesn't work, link is in the comments below)

if you or someone you know may need help in this kind of situation, here is a hotline: https://rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline

we want you safe, and healthy, and here with us so you can keep reading fun books!! ❤️

Thank you for understanding.

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