A some weekend "fun"

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This some frisky shit and it gay! So if you don't want to read leave bitch it's not hard!

Setting and time: it's 8:47 am and William is sitting in his office tried as hell

Henry walks into William's office  "Hey William, how are you?" William looks up a gives Henry a half smile. "I'm alright if you don't count me trying not to pass out." Henry looks concerned for a short second then he rolles his eyes " What are you doing for the weekend?" William seems to think for a general second then responds "um...the kids are at their mom's house and she going to pick them up from school..so I guess I'm free, why?" Henry smiles. " 7:00pm your place?" William looks confused. "Um sure but what about.. whatever the fuck her name is?" "Alina...she has Charlotte for a while." "Damn that divorce fuck you up." Henry seems to shake his head as if it's shaking off the bad thoughts. "That's not what we are talking about asshat!" "Damn my bad" Henry demeanor has changed more he seems a little tense now. "Anyway your place at 7?" William smiles. "Sure why not? But what do you want to do at my place anyway?" "Just chill we need a night for ourselves and also make sure you have lots of alcohol!" William facepalms. "Say wine like a normal person instead of alcohol." "I meant beer." William looks shocked" You drink beer?!" "Yeah..why is that a problem?" "Uh I'm classy out here we aren't drinking no beer Henry we are drinking wine and champagne!"
Henry smirks. "Then see you later" William starts to wave but he stops himself"wait do you know where my black shiny tea kettle is?" "Why would you bring that to work?" "Don't question me! And answer my question!"
"No I haven't seen it William ask everyone else I don't like hot beverages" "yeah because your an alcoholic!" "I would say something but I can't argue with that so..I guess you win."

Setting and time: its 6:58 and henry is just pulling up out of William's house

Henry walks up the steps and knocks on the door. William comes and opens the door. "Do you have the wine and champagne?" Henry walks inside the house. "Maybe." "Maybe isn't enough if there's beer in that bag you have you can get your short ass out of here." Henry looks at William and rolls his eyes. "You need to shut the fuck up sometimes." "Whatever!" Henry walks to William's dinning room table and puts the bags down. "Did you make anything for us to eat William?" "I made some shrimp alfredo pasta." "That's sounds good,and I brought some movies for us to watch." William walks into his kitchen but he still listening "what type of movie did you bring Henry?" "It's like a crime documentary." "I do like those types of films...what's it called?" "Missing." (Some BACKGROUND INFORMATION I KNOW MISSING IS A 2023 FILM IT JUST THAT I Don't FEEL LIKE SEARCHING FOR ANY FILMS FROM 1982) "that sounds interesting Henry, but I thought you hated crime documentary?" "I do but Charlie recommended it." "How did Charlotte recommended a crime documentary to you? She 4." "Don't question our father- daughter relationship!" William walks out of the kitchen and he has a plate of the food he made he walks over to Henry and gives him the plate, Henry starts to eat. "Mhm this is good William." "I have left overs if you want more." "I might have to take that offer this is good!" William grabs the bag and takes the film and walks and puts the cassette tape in the (whatever the hell you put tapes in💀) and then he walks into the kitchen and grabs wine glasses then walks back to Henry who is now almost done eating. "Wow you were hungry..." "I didn't eat because I knew you would have made me some food." "Whatever, what wine bottle do you want to open?" Henry points to a red wine bottle. Then William pops the cork and pours them both a glass of wine and William then walks to the couch and sits down. Henry finishes eating then he walks and puts his plate in the sink and grabs his wine glass and walks to sit on the couch with William when he sits down William starts the films as the watch the film William continues to drink many glasses of wine while Henry only drank that one glass so after a while William is visibly tipsy. "Um William I think you might need to go to bed." "I'm fine Henry." Henry shifts a little and takes the glass William had in his hand and puts it one the floor. "Why would you do that?" "You don't need anymore wine you're already going to have a bitch of a hangover." William looks annoyed then he looks at the movie and then he yawns. "Tired?" "No." "Lying?" "Yes." "William come on you need some sleep." William stands up and helps Henry up as Henry still saying how he needs to go to sleep. "Can you shut up?" "Can you go to bed..." Henry continues yapping. William starts to get more annoyed then he kisses Henry and breaks the kiss and Henry looks shocked.(obviously💀) "why the fuck??" "Do you mean what the fuck?" "No I mean why?" "I just kissed you so you'd shut the fuck up." "No I mean why'd you stop?" William looks at Henry shocked and confused for a hot minute. "That's not what I was expecting..." Henry looks like he's still waiting for a response . (I'll make a part 2 I just want to post something and part two will have some smut this is more background information of why they are...you know what I'm talking about)

Word count: 991 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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