Chapter 1 : Shatter the mirror

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A voice called out to her as she entered the dungeon. She could almost feel the magic swirling around her.

"Magic is what magic does, magic is whatever it wants, magic is for better or worse, to make a cure or cast a curse."

The voice giggled like a child but the words were all from an older sounding voice. Has she really lost her mind? 'Magic is whatever it wants' repeated in her mind like a song.
A pat on the shoulder brought Asha out of her..... daydream? She didn't know what to call it, it was too real.

She turned to face Queen Amaya, looking more than a little concerned.
"Are you alright my dear?" She asked," you've been staring at the door for 2 minutes now"
"I'm alright your majesty" Asha replied, "should we go inside now?"

The Queen raised an eyebrow, a smile still on her face. Her eyes gazed down at the keys in Asha's hands. Realising what she meant, Asha quickly put the key into the lock, fumbling them in her hands as the door swung open.

The room was mostly bare, spiders crawled on the walls and you could hear the cracking of the bricks. Asha and the Queen plugged their noses at the pungent smell that filled the room. 'It smells like a rotting rats corpse' Asha thought, remembering the time her and her dad found a dead rat in the garden when she was 6.

The Queen walked past Asha and up to the mirror at the back of the cell. A flash of green swooshed in front of the glass.
"Darling, you in there?" The Queen called out, "Nico?"

The glass flashed green again and revealed a man sitting on the ground, face hidden in his knees. The Queen tried to call to him again but the green magic kept flashing, keeping her away from Magnifico.

Asha stood beside the Queen, she saw tears brimming the Queen's eyes. Amaya reached her hand out trying to get closer to her husband.

The green magic soon returned. Inviting her hand inside.
Asha quickly yelled, " Stop your majesty!" Pushing them both back a meter away from the mirror.

"He can't hear you right now, it's too dangerous" Asha said
Silent drops of tears rolled down Amaya's cheek. "We can always try again tomorrow I suppose" she replied, her voice surprisingly steady.

The green light flashed again and Magnifico was now looking straight at Amaya. He reached his shaky hand out towards her before the green light flashed once again. Asha and the Queen walk out.

Two hearts made the same wish that moment in the dungeon.
I wish things could go back.... to before all this.

A bright light shone in the cell. Two things happened that moment, a mirror shattered and a person escaped.

A bundle of clothes started twitching against the wall. A little ruffling revealed a small boy with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

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