Chapter 2: Nico and Queen Amaya

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'Ugh where am I? And why does it smell like something crawled in and died!!'

Nico covered his face with his hands attempting to block out the horrid smell. He looked around the room trying to find an exit.

'Could I fit through the window? No, it's too small for me.'

He turned to face the steel door of the dungeon cell. 'Could I shape a key out of a rock?

He knelt on the ground and started looking for a sturdy and long stone. The more it's shaped like a key the easier it will be to shift with his magic.

He walked up to the door and put the stone in the key hole. Blue light began to surround it as Nico shifted it to match the lock.

'Focus. Focus. Focus'

A bead of sweat dripped down his face as a tiny click could be heard. Nico gasped in delight and gently pushed the door open.

He peaked out, glad to be free from the smell. 'What did I do to get stuck in a dungeon! Did I explode something with my magic again?'

He slowly and carefully walked down the hallway.


Meanwhile Queen Amaya was busy in the castle library.


Stacks upon stacks of books could be seen on the table. Covering the person buried in the middle.

Amaya flicked through one book then the next. 'Nothing' she sighed.
She got up from her seat and walked up to the shelves. 'There has got to be more information about dark magic, I can't just leave him like that' she thought.

She had already spent hours in the library. From the break of dawn till noon. Aside from her visit to the dungeons she had been in the library the whole time.

Amaya groaned as her head began to ache. She decided a walk around the palace would do her some good. She threw the doors open and slowly stepped out of the room, closing the doors behind her with magic.

She quickly paced around the castle trying the calm her nerves. After about 20 minutes if that she decides to head back to the library to try again.

'Maybe there are more books in the restricted section than I thought'

A guard walked up to her ,from his post at the dungeon, clearly concerned about the stressed Queen. She waved him off kindly and continued walking before bumping into a tiny figure.

She yelled in surprise and turned her gaze to the floor where there was a child with noticeably striking blue eyes. She recognised those eyes. The child gazed at her in fear, trembling and shaking as he stared at her from the floor.

"W-who are you?" He stuttered.

Amaya knelt down ,offered her hand and replied.
"My name is Queen Amaya what is yours?"

The boy's eyes widen in shock as he struggled to get up and bow his head.

"N-nice to meet you, your Majesty" He said shyly.

'What and adorable child' Amaya thought as she chuckled.
"You haven't told me your name yet." She said

"Nico" the boy hurriedly replied.

'But that's - that's impossible. It couldn't be' thought the Queen

"Where are you from Nico?" She asked, hoping that her theory wasn't right.

"I'm not from around here, your majesty" he replied, " but my home was destroyed by magic before I got here"

It is him....

"Then would you like the stay here Nico?" She hesitantly offers.

Nico nodded ,bowed and thanked her. He followed the Queen to talk to someone she wanted him to meet.

Amaya's research just turned a whole new leaf.

Wish: The Little Kingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن