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Today was the day, the truck was out front and my Ma and Dad were loading their stuff into the back. We were moving to this tiny town in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania and I wasn't ready. I still had to pack up half my closet and some of the stuff that was littered around the room. Everyone else was ready and waiting for breakfast and probably me, but when I walked downstairs and into the main room nobody even noticed that I was there which was good because I could probably evade the situations that usually come with waking up late and being unprepared. I was feeling good until Ma looked at me, then I knew I was done.
She didn't say anything, she just stopped from the other side of the room and made eye contact that could burn a hole through anything. After about a minute of us just looking at each other I started to feel stupid, like one of those cringy movies that makes you uncomfortable but you're too invested to look away. I figured that if I broke contact she would just let up and get distracted with something else long enough for me to slink back up to my room and get ready on my own without her over my shoulder but boy, was I wrong.
I went to turn around and it was like she teleported over to me from across the room. I felt a hand on my shoulder before I could take another step up the stairs. I didn't even have time to look over my shoulder to see what was going on before I was whipped around and sternly told to go and pack the rest of my stuff and be ready to go before 9AM. I nodded my head so Ma wouldn't press further thinking I didn't hear her or something and made my way back upstairs to pack up the rest of my stuff into a duffel bag and some boxes. Unfortunately I didn't have much to pack which meant I had to go back down and deal with the anxiety and rush of everyone else running around. I started making trips to the truck so I could just get it over with and hopefully Ma would think I was doing something enough to not give me some job like helping Dad or Andrew out with their stuff as they were equally as unprepared as me. The only difference between me and my dad and brother was that I was unprepared every time, they weren't, but in my defense I don't get told a lot of things because "I spend too much time in my room" according to Ma. The movement of everything around me is overwhelming, it's like watching a movie at 2x speed and trying to pick out every detail and every little thing. I feel like I exist at a cool 0.5 speed and the world is flying past me. It's just easier to spend time in my room where nothing is speeding by and making me rush or feel like I need to speed up with it.
I was on my last load between the truck and my room when I was finally stopped, it was Ma "Hurry up, Simone. We can't get there late." She said it like it wasn't a 12 hour drive from here to the middle of nowhere. I just nodded my head and kept moving hoping I wouldn't run into anyone else. Again, I was wrong Andrew came up from behind Ma and was about to ask for something but I shut him down, for an older brother he sure acts like a younger one. I finished my only job and I wasn't going to spend my time doing someone else's.
I stalked back to my empty room and sat in the middle of the cherry colored hardwood just staring, at the walls, at the ceiling fan, at the little marks on the floor where my bed used to be. I know that I won't miss this place, I didn't have any friends and nobody here really liked me.
Around every corner someone was judging me or backing away as if I had some kind of contagious disease. I was kind of excited for the move. I wanted to see the people and hopefully make at least one friend, maybe. I heard "Come on Simone. We're leaving, don't forget anything." And I was dragged out of my thoughts and into reality. Slowly making my way out to the truck mentally saying goodbye to this place. It took like twenty minutes to get everyone in the car. The movers had already been on their way ten minutes ahead of us before we even started the car. I got the luxury of sitting way in the back away from everyone, Ma was driving Dad was in passenger and Andrew was in the middle row behind Ma happily sitting next to the food, and because I was just going to listen to music and read the entire time I was in the back all alone with my stuff and plenty of windows. Usually in car rides no one bothers me, not only because I can't hear Ma or Dad from the front but also because I don't really talk to anyone enough for them to find me interesting enough to have a conversation with.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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