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You can thank StarWorks1 for giving me motivation to start this and giving you guys some of my writing once again! 🤣 Thank you! Hope you all enjoy!
-N. 67

*:..。o○○o。..:* *:..。o○○o。..:* *:..。o○○o。..:*

Soft patted feet make their way across the wooden floor as the owner made his way to the downward stairs. One hand holding a bear and the other holding the handrail. The door was edged open just a tiny bit as brown eyes search through the cracks.

There it was! The blue square box was expanding its florescence of color like a pathway. It looked like a fantasy and it's calls continued to sing to him. However the calls we're cut out as a figure was suddenly in its way, and Tony gasped as he was grabbed by his hair and dragged in.

The small boy yelps in pain and nearly cries as he was dropped in front of his father's working desk. The small child looks up in fear with short breaths.

"Anthony. "

"You think he really exists? " one of the new agent's asked while guarding an ironed door. The other just rolled his eyes, "He's not fucking Santa, of course he does. " The new soldier exhales in exasperation.

"I'm not saying he's Santa! I'm just saying that I've never seen this 'Fist' of HYDRA in one place, " the younger guard said with a glare. "You don't need to see him to know he's real dumbass, " the older guard retaliated. Once the younger one was about to answer a loud bang was heard from behind the door. They both froze.

"Isn't that.... I thought this room was empty! " the older guard snaps making a move to unlock the said iron door. That was before the door was slammed open, property knocking the older guard down and rendered him unconscious with blood slowly pooling beneath his head.

The younger guard watched with wide eyes as the very myth he was talking about came out with a bloody bat in hand and sharp red eyes. The man laughed as he wiped blood off his cheek. It only served to spread it even more. "Wow... What a rush!" The man said with a satisfied sigh.

The young guard backs up with shaking legs, and fell to the ground while attempting to crawl backwards. "P-Please-" a bloodied hand grabs the guards jaw in one swift movement and drags him face to face with the fist of Hydra. "I thought pleading was below you little shield pets? " the man asked with a dramatic frown. "Quite the let down if you asked me. I was expecting something...more challenging with what your lot are hiding back in that cage," the man adds, while the guard shakes even more with tears brimming in his eyes.

"It's like if fortnox decided to turn into an escape room, " the man adds, his other hand waving as he talks. The manic look in his eyes added to the unsettling atmosphere. "Oh, where are my manners? You can call me the Mechanic or as others and you seem to know me as 'The Fist Of Hydra', " the Mechanic chuckles at the last bit.

The young guard watches in horror as the man in front of him uses his empty hand to grab a knife from his back pocket. "I have a message I want you to send, it's very important you see, " the Mechanic adds, lightly dragging the knife across the young man's face with a sudden serious look.

"Really hate to do this to you, but wrong place at the wrong time... Huh? " that was the last thing the young guard heard before everything went dark.

Stephen was trying to remember why he decided to involve himself with these idiots in the first place. With his arms crossed and his hands carefully covered by yellow gloves, he couldn't help but wonder what in the hell was Nick Fury thinking when he created this team. If he was at all.

It was already a disaster and adding Stephen to the equation wasn't going to fix this monumental shit show. It was like it was missing something other than a sorcerer. The shit show in question sat in a jet that was currently on it's way to a 'secret' shield base that was raided last night. Only the shield agents turned 'Avengers' seemed tensed and on edge.

"What do we know so far?" Rogers asks.

"A highly skilled group raided a secure shield base last night and killed everyone in vault containment unit 67b, " Barton responds, bringing up the visuals of the unit itself. "Nothing was captured? " Banner asked, adjusting his glasses with a nervous hand.

"Absolutely nothing but what was left over for us to see, " Romanoff answers, sliding over copies of the same picture to the group. Banner was kind enough to show Stephen his copy. What was shown was a pretty gruesome scene. A young guard looked as if he swam in barbwire with the amount of cuts and contusions that abused the man's pale skin. The symbol that crosses over his face and making his identity far from known to anyone was-

"Hydra." Stephen could've rolled his eyes at Rogers lack luster of a response. It's not like the dear captain didn't care, it was more like he wasn't surprised at the sight of a cockroach from his past. Stephen to could only wonder at this time why he was called in and decided to ask.

"What does this have to do with me exactly? " Stephen asked, keeping a polite tone just for the corpse on the photo. Everyone turned to him. He raised an eye brow. "We sent you an email, you didn't get it? " Banner asked nervously, like he expected Stephen to smite him.

"I've been dimension hopping. Haven't gotten the chance to look at my computer, much less anything related to electronics. So, mind filling me in? " Stephen dropped the polite act in favor for a more annoyed tone. Sue him, he was tired. Well you could try... He is broke as hell still.

The Avengers look at each other in a tense silence before Barton muttered the words Stephen wished he would've never heard in his entire life.

"The Reality Stone and Mind Stone were in that vault. "

●Who Is In Control?○ Hydra!Tony Stark AU Where stories live. Discover now