House Call

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Harvey walked past the bus stop, medical bag in hand, enjoying the warm breeze. It was late spring, the days getting warmer and longer as summer attempted to take over. He was on his way to the old farm that had been taken over by a newcomer a couple months ago. The new farmer, named Y/N, had already gained the reputation of being incredibly friendly. They would come into town frequently to get tasks from the help board, buy supplies, donate items to the museum, or just to chat with the townsfolk. Harvey personally didn't talk to them much, not that he avoided them of course, he just tended to stay inside his clinic, oftentimes missing their visits into town.

He was on his way to the farm because he had gotten a series of calls from his fellow townspeople concerned for Y/N's health. Apparently, they had gone to the saloon late last night appearing battered and bruised after an adventure to the mines. Harvey was fairly certain that they were fine as he'd heard they frequented the mines quite often, but being a doctor, he couldn't say they'd be fine if he didn't at least check on them.

Harvey entered the farm and looked around in slight awe. The last time he saw the old farm it was overgrown with gnarled trees, weeds, and stones. Now it was nothing but a clear field (with the occasional large stones and logs) with plots of crops growing happily in the soil. Something was off though as he stepped closer. He was no farmer by any means, but the plots didn't appear to be watered yet. He looked to his left. The mailbox still had its flag up, meaning the mail hadn't been checked. He furrowed his brow and checked his watch. It was about 15 minutes past 9.

Odd... I thought they were usually up and about by this time. He thought as he climbed the steps to the porch. Their house was quite small, looking more like a cabin than a house. It seemed as though they had attempted to repair some of the cracks and holes on the outside themself. He knocked on the door.

From inside he heard shuffling and a quiet groan, then a muffled coming. As he heard footsteps approaching the door, he quickly gave himself a once over, smoothing his coat and readjusting his collar. The door swung open and a tired (slightly annoyed) Y/N clad in pajamas greeted him. They stared at him blearily before recognition flashed in their eyes. They quickly straightened and cleared their throat.

"Uh, Dr. Harvey. What a surprise, I didn't expect to see you." They said, fixing him with a slightly strained polite smile. Harvey quickly glanced them over, trying to see any injuries. They were wearing a loose long-sleeve shirt and baggy pajama pants with slippers. He didn't notice any physical ailments.

"Please, just call me Harvey. I came today because I've received several phone calls from people in town concerned about your well being." He said. He watched as their face flushed slightly. They brought a hand to the back of their neck and glanced at the floor, shuffling slightly.

"...Ah, I see... Well, I'm doing fine, just a lil' worn out from last night. Nothing some rest can't fix, y'know?" They said sheepishly. Harvey raised a brow at them, causing them to shrink slightly.

"I was told you looked like you had gotten into a fight with a bear last night."

"...Oh... well... yeah..." They stared at their feet.

"Have you treated your wounds at least?" He asked.

"Um... yeah...?" They said, sounding unsure.

"May I check?" Harvey asked. He saw them hesitate to answer. "It won't take long, I just want to make sure your wounds don't get infected." He clarified, giving them a small smile. He watched them consider his offer. After a moment, they sighed and stepped to the side.

"Alright, you make a good point. Come in, I'll make some coffee." With that, they walked inside letting Harvey follow. He closed the door behind him and looked around. It was fairly small, but cozy. Their bed was pressed into a corner, the sheets a mess. There was a fireplace against the far wall and a box tv sitting next to it with a pillow in front of it to act as a chair. Against the right wall was a small kitchenette, a table with two chairs, and a door which he assumed led to the bathroom.

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