the most dramatic songs in existence

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I know for a FACT that literally nobody is gonna read this story

im just here to cement my music opinions in stone for the world to study years after I'm dead

thus granting money and respect to my name, ultimately making me a posthumous celebrity due to my terrible music opinions

so yeah here are the most dramatic songs in existence

obvious one but this one is absolutely amazing and only keeps ramping up in intensity as the song goes on. love it. bonnie tyler changed music forever

shut the fuck up about it being too long and just listen to it. this man has 20+ minute long songs and most of them are amazing so you're just gonna have to deal with it honey. im sorry that was mean. anyways listen to bitches brew it's amazing

you will never escape bjork as long as you are on my profile. I will always find a way. anyways this song is emotionally devastating if you listen to the lyrics so that's fun

surprise more bjork! except it's happy this time and it's not emotionally devastating! fun! also watch the music video for this song because she dances with a mailbox

this is mitski's best song. I will not say anything more. listen to it

can you tell that im gay asfuck yet

last one! listen with headphones its not the most terrifying fucking thing ever made trust me


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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