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Mike and Will finally got up after an hour of cuddling in Wills's bed. "Do you know what time your parents are coming over?" Will asked Mike while getting out of his bed "I think 2:30 what time is it now?" Mike asked also getting up "Oh shit it's 1:30," Will said while looking at the clock "Hopefully they are already cooking stuff out there," Mike says walking towards the door. Will laughed a little bit "What's funny?" Mike asked puzzled "Oh that you're still in your pajamas at 1:30," Will said while chuckling a bit "Oh yeah forgot about that... Oh well," Mike said in realization "Well let's go out there and help a little bit," Mike said while walking over to Will to grab his hand. "Yeah," Will says while walking beside Mike "Look at the couple who finally decided to join us," Dustin said jokingly while making some kind of mashed potatoes "Hey at least we showed up," Mike said "anyways you two lovebirds can set the table," Max said while smirking "okay" both Mike and Will said
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After everyone finished cooking and setting up. Everyone heard a car pull in the driveway "Oh that must be my parents! Let me go talk to them real quick!" Mike said while running out the door before anyone could say anything. Will looked at everyone puzzled, "Hey Mom and Dad!" Mike says as his parents get out of the car "Oh hey Mike" Both his parents say "Mom and Dad I got some news.." Mike said nervously "What?" Both his parents say confused "I'm proposing to Will tonight" Mike said while examining his parent's faces "That's great! But why tonight? Why not New Year's?" Asked his mother after that Mike explained everything to them in under 5 minutes. "Oh gotcha" both his parents say "Well I can't wait for you to propose to him! But let's get inside I'm sure he is getting suspicious" Mike's mother said "Oh right! Let's go!" Mike said while running up to the house leaving his parents behind. He walks in to see everyone looking up at him confused "Hey... look. I just wanted to ask my parents something" Mike says while looking at everyone. Mike's parents came walking in after Mike was done speaking. "Hi Mr and Mrs. Wheeler," everyone says except Mike "Hello everyone thank you for having us," Mikes's mother says "Of course! Dinner is on the table!" El says to Mikes's parents. Mike's parents walk to the table and sit down. Mike looks down at Will and lightly smiles. Will smiles back grabs Mikes's hand walks to the table and sits across from Mikes's parents. Mike sits right beside Will and continues to hold his hand under the table. "So Will what do you plan on being when you get older?" Mike's father asks looking at Will "Huh?" Will says confused "Oh he wants to be a vet!" Mike says before anyone can speak "Yeah I want to be a vet!" Will says after Mike "Oh that's nice" Mikes's father says "Well everything is on the table dig in!" Dustin says while scooping food onto his plate.
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"The food was delicious thank you so much," Mikes's mother says while wiping her face "Yeah thank you for the food and everything" Mikes's father adds "Of course! Now let's open presents!" Max says excitedly "Wait before we start let me talk to Max in private real quick," Mike says nervously while getting up and removing Wills's hand from his. "Yeah sure let's go in the hallway," Max says while walking towards the hallway "Okay," Mike says getting up. Will looks up at Mike confused "I'll be right back" Mike says placing his hand on Wills's shoulder. Will nods after that Mike walks away into the hallway "What's wrong?" Max asked immediately "I don't know how I'm going to propose to Will, I'm so fucking nervous I don't even know if he will say yes!" Mike says while playing with his sleeve "Woah! Mike calm down! Of course, Will is gonna say yes he absolutely loves you and is up your ass 24/7 so of course he is gonna marry you!" Max says looking at Mike "Yeah maybe.. but how do I even ask him?" Mike says while leaning against the wall "Okay first give Will his bracelet you got him first and while he is saying thank you and stuff get on one knee without him even realizing it, then boom just propose to him when he looks down at you." Max says in one breath "You make it sound easier than it is..what if I ruin everything or I say the wrong thing?" Mike says while biting his nails "You won't even if you did Will is still going to marry you anyways so calm down!" Max says "Yeah.." Mike says a little unsure "Well let's get out there so you can see your boyfriend again soon to be fiancé" Max says while smirking "Oh shut up" Mike says while crossing his arms and walking out of the hallway "Okay are we ready to give each other presents now!" Lucas says while having a gift in his hand "Yes we're ready" both Mike and Max say. Mike walks over to Will who is standing up leaning on the wall where the Christmas tree is. "Hey," Mike says a little nervous to Will "is everything okay? You seem a little off.."  Will says looking at Mike "Yeah everything is perfectly fine" Mike says "Okay" Will says a little unconvinced. "Anyways open your Christmas gift I got you!" Will says excitedly handing Mike the wrapped Christmas gift "Oh thank you" Mike says while opening it up to see a book that has all kinds of pictures of him and Will together and their other friends. "I love it so much, thank you, Will," Mike says while smiling and leaning in to kiss Will. "Of course," Will says after breaking their 3-second kiss. "Well, anyways this is what I got you," Mike says pulling out a small wrapped box. He hands Will the box to open it, Will immediately smiles as he takes out the gold bracelet with his initials on it. "Thank you so much Mike I love it so much!" Will says while looking at the bracelet and putting it on. Everyone gasps when Mike gets on one knee Will doesn't realize it until everyone is looking at him and Mike. Will looks down in shock "Will" Mike says while pulling out a diamond ring "you are such a beautiful human being, I love you so much. Ever since I met you my life has been so much better... so much brighter and happier.. you made me want to wake up in the morning you gave me the motivation to be alive. I always thought moving here would be the worst thing that's happened in my life.. but I was wrong it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.. I'm so grateful for you to be in my life I love you Will, Will you marry me? Mike says looking up at Wilk with a little bit of tears in his eyes "Yes of course I'll marry you! I love you so much Mike" Will says excitedly with happy tears coming down his face everyone in the back was saying awe oh my god yes. Will and Mike weren't paying attention to them they were paying attention to each other. Mike slips the ring on Wills's left pointer finger and Will immediately pulls Mike closer to him to kiss him. Mike's hands traveled up to Wills's hair as Wills's hands went to Mikes's thin waist. They kissed each other for at least 10 seconds they pulled smiling at each other, and everyone started clapping and cheering excitedly. "We got a wedding to plan for!" Mike's mom yells excitedly "Yes Mom we got a wedding to plan for," Mike says "I'm so excited!" El says "I can't wait for the wedding!" El adds while looking at Will and Mike. "When are you guys going to have the wedding?" Everyone asked excitedly "Woah dudes calm down Will just said yes a minute ago we didn't even talk about a wedding yet," Mike says chuckling a big while looking at Will. "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about that," Dustin says while running his fingers through his hair. "Well anyways I'm going to talk to my boyfriend privately," Mike says while gently pulling Will, everyone stares at him "What?" Mike asked puzzled "You mean fiancé, you're going to go talk to your fiancé not boyfriend," Max said while chucking "Oh yeah I got to get used to calling him that, well anyways let's go fiancé" Mike said while walking with Will to Wills room. Will smiles a little when Mike says let's go, fiancé. They walk into Wills's room and shut the door behind them "So how is my fiancé feeling?" Mike asked while looking at Will "I'm doing great fiancé" Will said flirtatious "That's great" Mike said while pushing Will onto the bed "How about me and you have a heated make out before we go back out there and get asked a million questions" Mike says while chuckling a little bit "sounds good to me" Will says pulling Mike down to kiss him "god I love you so much" Mike says in between while kissing Will "I love you so much too Mike" Will says as he kisses Mikes neck. Mike lets out a soft moan as Will kisses his neck creating hickeys. "Just think we are going to be husbands soon after we're married," Mike says in between moans as Mike says that Will instantly stops and sits up straight. "Are you okay?" Mike asked Will concernedly "No! I mean yes it's just remember you're going to become a vampire if you marry me!" Will says panicking a bit "Will it's alright I already thought it through, I don't care if I become a vampire if I marry you, I just want to be with you Will" Mike says placing his hand on Will's thigh "Yeah, but I'm still gonna feel bad wants you do turn into a vampire" Will says while frowning as he fidgets with the ring Mike got him. "Will don't feel bad, I get to be with you for the rest of my life that's the best thing that could ever happen to me" Mike says in a reassuring voice as he sits beside Will. "I know but you're still young you're 18 years old and I'm 130, what if you decide that you made the wrong decision 3 or 4 years into our marriage you will never be able to change back into a human." Will says as his eyes begin to water "Will I know for a fact that I want to be with you and nothing can change that, I may be 18 but you're 18 you look like an 18-year-old and act like one, just because you have been on earth longer then I don't change a thing." Mike says while wiping a tear away from Wills's face, Will softly smiles at Mike and cuddles up to him. "I love you Will" Mike whispers as he plays with Wills's hair "I love you Mike" Will whispers back while he lays on Mikes's chest.
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About 5 minutes later Max comes bursting into the room seeing Mike and Will cuddling each other. "Okay I know you guys love each other very much, but get up you guys have a wedding to plan!" Max yells while walking away "Oh my god" Mike says annoyed as he gets out of bed. "Yeah, this is how it's going to be until we have the actual wedding," Will says as he also gets up. "Yeah well we better get out there," Mike says while walking towards the door "Yeah," Will said while walking up to his fiancé. "Let's go now," Mike says as he grabs Wills's hand and interlocks their fingers together. They walk out into the kitchen where everyone is sitting "We're here" Mike says as he and Will walk up to the table and sit down. Everyone starts to giggle and smirk a little as they both sit down. "What?" Mike asked puzzled "It looks like you and Will had a heated out in Wills's room," Mikes's Mom said smirking while pointing at all the hickeys on Mike and Wills's neck. "Oh yeah, well what did you expect us to do talk about wedding stuff in his room?" Mike says defensively while Will laughs a little. "Honestly yes," his mother says while shrugging. "Well you were wrong" Mike adds "So I want you boys to have the wedding of your dreams so I'll be paying for the wedding," Mikes's father says while looking at Mike and Will "You don't have to Dad, but thank you" Mike says while looking at his dad "No I'll be paying for the wedding it's final" his dad says "Well thank you Dad" Mike says "Yeah thank you Mr. Wheeler" Will adds "Of course boys and Will call me Dad if you want" Mikes dad says Will smiles and nods while Mike takes Wills hand under the table and gently squeezes it.

Word count: 2236
Thanks for reading my shitty writing, next chapter out soon! ♥️

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