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Sam saw her crying silently......he then came and sat in front of her in a chair......saw her crying without making any noise he lifted her hand to check her pulse.....when he touched her hands she hissed ......Sam then saw her hand where he was holding.....he saw bruise in her hand......

Sam: (softly): how did you get this????

Ria didn't said anything.....

Sam clearly came to know that she is so much disappointed with him.....

Sam then raised his hand to caress her head......

Ria flinched very badly......

Sam was stunned...he knew that she flinched because she thought that he is going to slap her again.....

Sam: hey.....easy.....it's ok......I'm just caressing your hair......

Ria then moved back indicating him to stop caressing her head.....

Sam sighed and took the thermometer and sethescope from his bag....

Sam: (softly) come on open your mouth......let me check your fever.....

Ria slowly moved forward and sat while holding her legs towards her chest......

She then slowly opened her mouth and Sam kept the thermometer inside her mouth......

Sam: I am sorry.....I shouldn't have talked to you like that..... please forgive me ......

Ria just saw some real concern in his eyes while apologizing to her........

Sam then took out the thermometer after it beeped.....he saw 103 degree C
He then showed the reading to her also......

Sam: can you speak now......what made you like this????  is it because of my behaviour....or is it because I slapped you.....

Ria  didn't said anything.....

Sam stood  up from the chair and sat near her......

Ria now opened her mouth and talked....

Ria: sir please don't come near me.....I'm not rich like you.....then how can you sit near to such a person....

Sam was now hurt for his saying.....

Sam: I'm sorry......

Ria didn't said anything.....he then took her chain and showed it infront of her.....

Ria saw that and checked her neck.....then she suddenly snatched it from him.....Ria was now scared that he may have seen his photo in the locket and how will he react....

Sam: I'm your Sam right.....you love me right.....why didn't you confess me directly then......we were from the same school right......
You wanna hear a story...during my school days I used to admire a girl.....she is so cute......I always wonder how can someone be this cute......I used to admire her secretly.......the admire slowly turned into love.....

Ria was crying thinking that he is already in love with some other girl...

Sam: but I didn't confess this to her till today.....but only she will be mine and I will be only hers.....no one can replace or change this ......after leaving school I suffered a lot thinking that she left me.....and I was still waiting for her ......but for the last 6 months she was with me only and I couldn't identify her.....but I'm already planning her to propose her......
(His eyes was now covered with tears)

Ria looked at him shocked......

Ria : what you said.....

Sam: yeah you heard me right......I love you.....you are my first love ........I just came to know that the pic in the locket was you.....you have totally changed that I can't even recognise you......that's why I slapped you without knowing it was you mine love......I'm really sorry....

Ria was so happy after knowing that he is also in love with her.......finally now she is so happy that someone is there for her.......then she decided to act saying she don't need him ......he slapped her so he wanted to take a small revenge  .....before her reply he took out two syringe ,two vials, ointment and two tablets.....Ria was now moreover so scared......

Sam was now totally red and his eyes is also red.....

Sam: here have this tablets....

Saying this he extended his hands Ria also took the tablets from him and gulped it......

Then Sam started to prepare the injection......he tore the pack and started to fill it with the medicine from the vial......

Sam: the orphanage warden told me that you are soo scared of these medical  stuff ......but I don't have any option......I have to bring your fever down......I will be so gentle as I can......
Please don't hate me for this.....

Ria was so melted by his talk and he even confessed saying her not to hate him for giving injection.....

Ria didn't said anything.......he then prepared both injection and came near her.....her heart is beating really fast ........her eyes again became teary and she then laid on the bed while crying ...... she buried her head on the pillow and was crying hard.......

Sam felt so bad for her .......I will really be gentle......don't worry and please don't cry......

Ria continued crying.....he then thought to console her after the injections......

He then slowly pulled her pants down and rubbed her right butt ......she flinched when the  disinfectant came in touch with her skin.....

On seeing her flinch Sam just caressed her back assuring it's ok.......

He then slowly inserted the needle to which she cried really hard he then slowly pushed the medicine in.....she was crying really hard.....he then rubbed the injection site and made her flip around and saw her face.....she was terribly crying......

That's all guys I hope you have enjoyed it,.........


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