punk hazard (part 1)

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The Journey of Fishman island is finally Over, the Strawhats has Finally Reached the Half way of The Grand line, called as The new world,

The new world has very strange weathers, When the Strahwats Landed into the New world, It started to rain Blue ice from above, Nami stated that it was a hail, and That it was one of The strange weathers from the new world,

Zoro stated that The new world wasn't a joke, And that They needed to Be more serious about the new world,

The strawhat's Receive A Call on the den den mushi, from Someone, who Mentioned , cold, a Samurai who Cut Body parts and a place called punk hazard, at first Nami and Robin was Abit Confused by The call, while Sanji stated that The navy Often use Those kind of things to Trick pirates into going to an island and Capture them, but since Luffy Is a helpless idiot who wouldn't listen to whatever The others say, Ordered everyone to Go to punk hazard,

They  Landed on the  island where it's as hot as hell, that you'll feel like your Being Roasted Alive, The island of Punk hazard, Was hot, The island was On Fire, and There was even Lava on it,

it was kinda weird since the guy that Called on the den den mushi said it was cold, so how is The Island cold when it's Burning Hot?

The island looking very Scary on The eyes of The Weakling trio (ussop, Chopper and nami), so Nami pulled the game that they once Played in Thriller bark,

Where they Pull a Paper, and The 4 who Get the Short paper with a red mark, are The ones who will be entering And finding the Guys They Heard earlier on the den den mushi, While the others who didn't get the Short paper with the red mark Stayed on the sunny and guard the ship,

Luffy, Zoro and Robin, Got the short Paper with the red mark, and Was Ready to Go to The burning island, while Ussop was shaking in fear, that he didn't want to Go with them, since the island looked too scary , but he didn't have a choice,

After Seeing that Sanji didn't get A Red mark, meaning That he wouldn't Be with The Others on punk Hazard, he immediately went over to Zoro's side, "oi! Marimo, you better Take care of Robin-chwan or Else" the cook Said, like Threatening The swordsman,

Zoro replied with an Annoyed 'tch' while he move away from The simp Cook, "is that supposed to be a Threat, Annoying Love cook" Zoro annoyed Added, "Huhhh?! What did you say, you Baka Marimo!" Sanji said , with an Annoyed looked,

"Enough you Idiots!" Nami as always on right on time to Stop the two From fighting, stand Right on the middle of them, "anyways, Zoro just Go do your thing"  Nami Added, Zoro Walk Towards luffy and the others, as Franky prepare the Minnie merry for them,

they will use The Minnie Merry Franky has built, and Nami used her Clima tact, to use Milky Road to Help Them Get to The Island safety without getting burned in the fire,

After the Minnie merry was set, Nami already built The Milky road, The Minnie merry slowly Worked and Headed towards The burning Island,

"Do you think that road you built Reached the island?" Franky asked, "Probably" Nami answered, "but what if it didn't?" Franky asked, "If it didn't, then They can think of a Plan to get to the other side" Nami answered, "yeah your right, they have Robin with them so it's fine, maybe" Franky Said, brushing the thought of them not reaching the island Safely,

Luffy's team is now Safely Heading Towards punk hazard without any issue, Luffy was already munching on the Bento box Sanji Prepared for each one of them, Robin was Peaceful Feeding Luffy meat, which Luffy glady take, Ussop was examining the area, while Zoro keep on Sighing,

Like every 1.5 seconds Zoro keep on Sighing and sighing, Ussop was having it with Zoro's sighing, so he finally talked, "Hey Zoro can you keep it down, Your sighing to much" ussop Said, Zoro Just Brush off what he said and continue to look at the burning flames thinking about someone, And of course we know that the person he is Thinking of CAN'T BE, Nami,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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