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My mind was all over what happened at Zayaan's family house, I kept wondering why Zayaan 2 was hell bent in ruining the relationship they shared.

" Where are you ? " Mum asked me, as I stared into space, cutting the chop board, instead of the vegetables.

" Oh... Nothing, mum. Just thinking about the wedding. " I said, and she replied with a nod.

The meat pie and samosas had already began to fry, and the aroma filled the kitchen.

Haneed walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of coke from the refrigerator, I served the samosas and he snatched one from the tray.

" Haneed! " I yelled, giving him a long glare.

" What! " He said, pretending  he was innocent.

" Cut the act! You stole a samosa ! " I said, and he rolled his eyes.

" So? As far as I know, this is not Zayaan's house. Don't start being bossy till you get home. " He said, and I felt like stabbing him with the knife in my hands.

" Shut your.... "

" Enough! Both of you. Hafsah, you are twenty, haneed you are nineteen. Stop behaving like kids. " she scolded,

I huffed, and went back to my work, while mum gave him a bowl with six more, and I hissed. I just need my knights back home.

A call came through her phone, and she said.

" Evening ! "

" Where are you now ? "

" Alhamdulillah ! "

" Safe Journey. "

" Your father called, he's on his way. " she said, and I sighed in happiness, this drama will end today.

My dad and elder brother ' Basheer, went on a business trip, but they'll be returning today, thanks to my upcoming wedding.

" I'm done. " I said, after dishing the last food.

" You hate work don't you? "

" Who doesn't? "
I said, and jogged to my room, in climbing the stairs, I bumped into Haneed, eating the samosas.

" Why are you smiling? " he asked, and I rolled my eyes before telling him.
" Dad and Basheer are coming home today "

" Really?!? " he said in annoyance, and I laughed.

" Yes." Dad and Basheer were extremely tough on Haneed, as they expected him to be the ' man '.

He walked away, and I jogged into my room into my grey themed room.
I loved grey, it was my fave. Mature and looked great on me. Like grey complemented my fading blue eyes.
Yes! I had blue eyes. My grandmother from dad's side had blue eyes, and all her children took their father's eyes. Even her grandchildren, except for me, and for that my dad and all his nineteen siblings respected me, cause I also looked like the late Hafsah Gidado.

My grandpa married his cousin, and it has always been a tradition in my family to take our ancestor name ' Gidado ' as a surname. I was also Hafsah Gidado, Hence I was called Ummi.

I stormed into my grey themed bathroom, and hit the shower.

I came out of the bathroom, dressed in a grey loose T shirt, and a black jeans trouser, and let my brown hair fall as a ponytail.
The sound of a car hit my ears, and I peeped through the windows to see one of  Basheer's cars ' his BMW X6.

I ran out of the room and ran downstairs, before Basheer could even settle in, I jumped on him, and he caught me.

" How are you, Ummi? " he asked me, and I broke the hug. " Fine, business? "

" Went awesome, just like you. " He said, and poked my nose lovingly.

" You flatter me, where's daddy? " I asked.

" He's coming. " he said, and as if on cue, dad walked in, dressed in his white caftan, while I jumped on him as well.

" Spider girl! Would you stop jumping? " Haneed said, and I broke the hug.

" Evening, Bro. How was the meeting? " he said, offering Basheer a handshake.

" Great! " Basheer said, as he drew him closer and engulfed him in a warm brotherly hug, and Haneed reciprocated, like he wasn't wishing he never came back.

" My two darlings! " Mum said, walking in with a bowl of dates in her hands. She walked towards Basheer, and he picked three dates. She walked towards her husband, who was ruffling Haneed's hair ' cause he hated that.

" Habibi! " she said, passing me the bowl and engulfing him in a warm embrace, while dad touched her black hair that had traces of grey on them. I loved my parents' love, still after years of marriage.

" Give it. " she asked, after breaking the hug, and I passed her the bowl of dates. She fed him the dates, and collected the seeds from his mouth.

" ew! " we all exclaimed, and they laughed.

Mum always gave dates on special days, as it was sweet, and plus the health benefits.

Dad smiled and said.

" These are my pride! You guys are my pride, no amount of wealth can replace what I have for the seven of you. "

By seven he meant ' Mum, Basheer, Firdaus, Fareedah, Me, Haneed, and Nu'man. Firdaus and Fareedah were married, while Nu'man was a ss2 student, he was still in school. Soon to come home.

" Thanks dad. " we said, and he added.

" I have no daughters left anymore. Dausi ( Firdaus ) and reedah ( fareedah ) are married, and now... ummi is getting married too. Our children grow up so fast. "

I blushed, and felt sad. I'm gonna miss them so much. Basheer, more.


" Huh! I'm done. That's all. Nothing more. " I said, putting the last clothing in my car.

" Your life is so boring. " Dausee said, and I rolled my eyes. Is she for real, my bunk was filled with my wedding accessories.

" Yeah, the gown just stops few inches below your knee. We.... Our dresses needed bride maids to carry it for us. " reedah said, and I replied.

" What if you fell flat on your face? " I said, thinking of the embarrassment.

" We took balance classes. " Dausee replied.

" What?!? Is that even real? " I asked.

" Thing is... Your wedding is just once, so make the best of it. " Reedah said, and I smiled at how they talked statement by statement.

A message beeped on Dausee's Iphone fourteen, and she turned towards me.

" Umma ( mother ) needs us, your painful waxing is getting late. "

" Are you for real? " I asked, my mouth agape. The word painful made shivers run through my spine.

" Yeah. We cried severely, but it was worth it. With a skin like yours, the glow could lit a dark room. Get into the car, let's go. " Reedah said, and we got into the car. Apparently, I had poor fashion sense, so I needed advice from the masters.

I just hope this wedding goes awesome.

A twisted Love Story: Fate's ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora