Episode 0: The Two Doctors

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The year is 30XX and the planet Mobius is being conquered. The nefarious and tyrannical Overlander known as Dr. Lvo Roborg has successfully transformed more than half of the world's population into mindless robotic slaves to do his bidding. He has accomplished this through the use of the machine known as the Roboticizer, a machine that turns living, breathing tissue into dark, cold, mechanical metal. This machine was first developed in the Doctor's early years as a scientist, alongside their assistant and right hand koala woman, Dr. Moneta Enola.

Their partnership began as a small project for developing a new type of strike force that could replace the need for living soldiers. The doctors' creation of the Strike-Bot, a combat specialized robot that could take on the force of several Mobians, showed promise as the militia group known as G.U.N. quickly gained the rights to producing more of these bots. This gave rise to the two furthering their research on improving the Strike-Bot designs and the growing idea of possibly enhancing the living soldiers into something more capable of taking and following orders. It was not long before the two doctors began performing tests upon the Mobian and Overlander soldiers of G.U.N. which were labeled as "super soldiers" that were comparable to and possible to surpass the Strike-Bots. Thus, the first Roboticizer was created and tested in one of G.U.N.'s facilities.

Though reluctant at first, their first test subject willingly accepted the role of becoming the first roboticized super soldier. The two doctors showed their concerns, but after performing several tests upon plants, and smaller life forms they were confident that the Roboticizer would be a success. The test went excellently, as it transformed the test subject into an obedient and subservient robot with the features of its test subject still intact, such as its facial features and even their hair style. The two doctors were thrilled to share their creation with the higher ups of G.U.N. only to find themselves being ridiculed for creating something that was described as a monstrosity. While it may have been helpful to the militia force, the members found themselves filled with horror at the thought of taking away the abilities of freewill and speech from their loyal soldiers. They quickly turned the two doctors away and belittled them for suggesting and creating a frankenstein monster.

Roborg and Enola were livid. Their hard work was quickly turned away, and thrown out as if they did nothing to further improve the G.U.N. facilities and efficiency in protecting Mobius. That was when the two realized one thing: G.U.N. was afraid of their abilities. When the officials saw what destructive power they could wield with Mobian and Overlander created soldiers, they knew that they could easily fall into the wrong hands of another.

Upon gaining control of over half the world's population, they had gained several adversaries that fought against their awful might. However, the two doctor's superior intellects showed that there was no need to worry about any form of attempt to stop their rampaging conquest. From small rebellious gangs, to massive armies of the Eurish and Yurashia continents. Their westward expansion showed no signs of stopping. Dr. Roborg basked in their glory, as he gazed upon their work, fully confident that the world would soon bow down to their new ruler. However, Dr. Enola does not share the same enthusiasm as her companion due to the growing amount of resistance being shown towards the two doctors and their plan for world domination. She knew that there was more to accomplishing the goal of ruling the world and needed to further advance their work on the Roboticizer.

During the capturing raids for the capitals for the continent of Efrika, Dr. Enola approached her companion.

"You want to do what?" Dr. Roborg turned to his Koala companion.

"We have faced various strong opponents, Lvo," Enola reached up and held Roborg's hand in her's. "Now we are far beyond the halfway point. The ones that we are going to face now can and will be much stronger than any opponent we have ever faced before." Enola pulled up a video projection, revealing a video. On the video, a squad of Mobians are seen infiltrating and destroying several Strike-Bots. Each of them cloaked in an aurora that emitted some kind of energy that brought about a power that elevated certain abilities of theirs.

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