Moving in [No. 1]

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"That's all," I huffed to my mom as I hauled in the last of the moving boxes from outside. It was a wet day with rain pouring down on me. "What did I do to anger the sky?" A question I seem to ask myself often.

The floorboards creaked and squeaked underneath my wet, black boots as I set the boxes on the ground. The house was pretty empty since we just moved in. It was an old two-story house made from oak wood and had a creepy basement that I would never go into.

The sky let out booming thunder that lit up the sky. The clouds were dark and angry as they let out all their pent-up feelings. The sky was a grey ombre, going from light to dark. The trees blew in the breeze, and the smell of rain was overwhelming as it seeped in through the air conditioning.

"Come help me with these boxes, Blake," My mom called out to me.

An exhausted sigh left my lips as I turned around and started walking toward the kitchen. The sound of my boots thumping against the ground followed behind me as I dragged my feet behind me while walking to the kitchen to help my mom unpack.

Sigh. It was going to be like this all week. Unpacking and chores. That was one of the many things I hated about moving. My mom was always a clean freak when moving, too. She'd wipe everything down before putting it away, even if it was already in a Ziploc bag.


The next two hours were nothing but unpacking and cleaning. The place my mom got wasn't cleaned out before we came, which just screams quality, huh? There was old junk all around the place, whether stored in a chest or just old furniture lying around. My mom took no chances. She didn't even look at anything before throwing it all away. It made me annoyed since maybe there was something cool in there, like a journal from someone's grandma when they were a kid or something. But no, Mom just had to throw it away.

The pile of old furniture sat on the front lawn of our new house since there wasn't a dumpster nearby. My mom told me I'd have to help her drag it down to the dumpster tomorrow, the thought making me frustrated.

"Mom?" I call out, looking up at my mother as I sit on the floor since the couch wasn't put together yet. "Why the hell did you decide to get a creepy house like this?"

I can see the look of disappointment and frustration in my mother's eyes as she says, "Just appreciate it, Blake. Otherwise, your door's going to get taken away just like last time. Be grateful, you brat."

I roll my eyes at my mom and she's immediately on my ass again. "Blake, why don't you go outside? You're not helping anyway" my mom mutters harshly at me.

a pit forms in my stomach as I think about going outside while it's raining and thundering. Well, the thunder has calmed down slightly, but that doesn't help the thought.


"No buts."

I stare at my mom for another second to see if she's serious, and she is. A frustrated groan bubbles up from my throat as I get up off the floor, making my way to the door. The door was a wooden oak door with a window on the front of it covered by a set of white blinds facing downwards. there was also a mail slot just below the window. Jeez, this house is old.

I stare outside for a minute before I hear my mom harshly mumble, "Out. Now."

I turn around and look back at her with a frown, hoping to convince her. But she just tells me to shoo and turns back to packing.

My eyes roll again, but I quickly stop myself before my mom looks over. I finally put my hand on the doorknob and twisted it open, pushing the door out. It was a pretty heavy door, so it took some strength.

When I opened the door and stepped out, a huge rush of wind gusts in my face along with a ton of rain pouring onto my hair. I grumble a frustrated curse under my breath before pulling my hood up. God, this was hell.

It was grey and gloomy outside. There was rain covering the ground, a harsh breeze flowing in the air, and a shit ton of rain. Like, enough to make an infant drown if you set it down on the floor.

There was probably about an inch of rain on the floor, going up to my ankles which was extremely uncomfortable due to my lack of proper attire for the situation. I was never prepared for any situation, to be fair, but I always find a way to adjust to said situation in some way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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