Let me Do it Baby

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Note: Hello my babies my lovelies This is new cutiepie one shot with fantasies of my heart when I see cutiepie again my mind imagine this all so here it is .Cutiepie scenes if I were the writer of cutiepie the scenes must be this.

Warning⚠️ : Mature Content ,Yes in no type Non consensual romance.

Cutiepie Ep 6-7 [part- 4/4(6) and 1/4(7)]

Then kitchen scene

Lian was cutting some chillies and put them in lemon slurry.When Kuea appeared on door .He walked into the kitchen as lian felt his presence he looked at him and gave a smile and Kuea gave a smile as well.

Lian: You're awake..

Lian: Are you hungry..?

Lian asked with smile.Kuea nodded.

Kuea: Yes.

Kuea: What are you cooking? Do you want some help?(he asked cutely)

Lian looked at the kitchen counter and looked Kuea.

Lian: You can help me to slice the eggs.Just cut into slices.Im going to make spicy salted eggs.(he said telling Kuea).

Kuea's mind: It's not that complicated.
You can do it Ai Kuea!(Kuea was telling himself)

Lian gave a smile and Kuea came beside Lian the other side . He held the egg and looked it and put it down on chopping board .Then he took the little knife and looked at and felt he can't cut the egg with this so he put that knife aside and took out the big meat cutting and held it in air high gripping it by both his hands and slash .The slash was loud and snatched Lian's attention before Kuea can slash again Lian held his hand in air and...

Lian: It's dangerous! (he said loudly getting sacred ).

And took the knife from Kuea's hand and kept it down on the kitchen counter .While Kuea looked at him with doe ,scared and sad eyes.

Lian: If you don't know how to do it,Why didn't you just tell me? You are an adult Nu Kuea. (he scolded in normal tone)

And Lian started his work again of mixing the slurry in the bowl with spoon with a pissed expression.

Kuea: I can do it ..(he said getting disappointed).

Lian picked knife again..

Lian: Who uses such a big knife to cut an egg.(he said showing the knife) Go sit there and wait. I'll do it by myself.( He said a little harshly not realising it)

And again started his word but Kuea his self confidence was already crushed by Lian himself on their previous Friday date.His heart was unable to handle more.His eyes got wet.While Lian was busy in mixed the slurry in bowl he heard sobbing.He turned his head towards Kuea.As he saw his dearest crying ,he frowned.

Lian: Nu Kuea...

Lian: Why are you crying (he asked gently)

Kuea: I can't do anything ,right? Everything I do is wrong.(he said crying tears continuously coming from his eyes)

Lian: I didn't mean it like that.

Lian said trying to sound so gentle.He can never think like this for his dear no,never ever .

Lian: I raised my voice because I was scared .

Lian: I was afraid the you'd cut yourself.

Kuea sobbed

Kuea: I'm not good enough.

Kuea: I'm just a burden to you.

Kuea: Now I understand....Why don't you love me.(he said in shaky broken voice looking at Lian with tears on his cheeks and in his eyes and sobbed again).

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