ravenna • belated

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In the realm shrouded in shadows and echoes of battles past, (Y/N)'s confession to Ravenna sent ripples through the kingdom. The air crackled with tension as the queen, her expression a mixture of contemplation and regal composure, absorbed the weight of (Y/N)'s words.

I felt slightly nervous from Ravenna's piercing gaze. "(Y/N)," I began, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on my armor, "beneath the facade of the warrior, there lies a truth that has grown undeniable. In the chaos of battles, I've found a solace, a connection that transcends the boundaries of our roles."

Ravenna, her eyes betraying a hint of emotion, listened as (Y/N) laid bare the feelings that had quietly burgeoned within.

(Y/N): "Your Majesty, in the silent moments between conquests, I've come to realize that my heart beats not just for the battles we face but for the enigmatic queen who commands them. Is it folly to believe that love can bloom in the heart of a kingdom steeped in shadows?"

The silence that followed was laden with unspoken tension, and for a fleeting moment, (Y/N) glimpsed the complexity of emotions playing across Ravenna's regal countenance.

Ravenna: "(Y/N), your words resonate in the corridors of a heart I believed to be forever shrouded. Yet, the path we tread is one fraught with peril. Love, in this realm, can be a weapon as sharp as any blade."

With those words, the queen withdrew into the shadows, leaving (Y/N) standing alone in the moonlit courtyard. The weight of Ravenna's rejection bore down on (Y/N), and with a heavy heart, they relinquished their title as a knight. Their armor was replaced not by the clinking of metal but by the hushed whispers of parchment in the quiet confines of a library.

In the hallowed halls of knowledge, (Y/N) sought refuge from a love that had wounded them. The library became both sanctuary and witness to the depths of their pain. The dusty tomes and forgotten stories served as companions in their solitude.

In the quiet haven of the library, (Y/N)'s days unfolded amidst the hushed rhythm of turning pages and the comforting scent of old parchment. The dusty tomes and forgotten stories served as both companions and witnesses to the depths of their pain.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the library's tall windows, Ravenna, burdened by the weight of a love unspoken, found herself drawn to the quiet sanctuary where (Y/N) had sought solace.

In the dim light, (Y/N) turned the fragile pages of an ancient tome, unaware of the approaching presence. The soft rustle of Ravenna's gown broke the silence, announcing her arrival.

(Y/N), engrossed in their reading, was startled when Ravenna spoke, her voice a hesitant murmur in the vast space of the library.

Ravenna: "(Y/N)..."

The warrior looked up, their eyes meeting the queen's with a mix of surprise and unease.

(Y/N): "Your Majesty, I didn't expect..."

Ravenna: "Nor did I. Fate, it seems, has a curious way of guiding our steps."

The air between them crackled with unspoken tension. Ravenna hesitated, searching for words that eluded her.
In the quiet embrace of the library, (Y/N) and Ravenna stood at the crossroads of their shared history. The weight of unspoken words and the echoes of a love that had spanned ages hung heavy in the air.

Ravenna, her gaze reflecting a vulnerability she rarely showed, closed the distance between them. (Y/N), their eyes revealing a blend of longing and resignation, met the queen's steady gaze.

Ravenna: "(Y/N), in the shadows of our past, I've carried a truth unspoken. The library, witness to our pain, now stands witness to the revelation that has haunted me across the ages."

(Y/N), their heart pounding, felt the pull of a connection that time had failed to erase.

(Y/N): "Your Majesty, the past is a tapestry woven with threads of pain and longing. What revelation do you speak of?"

Ravenna, overcoming her hesitation, took a step closer.

Ravenna: "(Y/N), across the years, I've loved you in the shadows. The ache of your absence has been a relentless companion, and I stand before you not as a queen but as a woman who has yearned for the touch of a love forsaken."

As the weight of the revelation settled, (Y/N) felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The library, a sanctuary for forgotten tales, bore witness to a moment that defied the boundaries of their roles.

(Y/N): "Your Majesty, the threads of our story weave through battles and solitude. But fate, it seems, has its own designs. Why reveal this truth now?"

Ravenna, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, reached out to cup (Y/N)'s face.

Ravenna: "(Y/N), the library echoes not just with our pain but with the possibility of a love untold. Fate may be unkind, but in this fleeting moment, let the echoes carry the weight of our shared truth."

In the stillness of the library, (Y/N) and Ravenna leaned into a kiss that spoke volumes of a love that transcended the constraints of their world. The library, with its ancient wisdom and silent tales, bore witness to a moment of connection that lingered in the shadows.

Yet, as the kiss unfolded, a bitter truth loomed over them. (Y/N), weakened by the battles they had faced and the weight of unrequited love, felt the inexorable pull of mortality.

Breaking the kiss, (Y/N), their eyes clouded with both tenderness and sorrow, spoke softly.

(Y/N): "Your Majesty, fate may have granted us this moment, but it also reminds us of the inevitable. I am fading, my queen."

Ravenna, a mixture of grief and acceptance in her eyes, held (Y/N) close.

Ravenna: "(Y/N), in this fragile moment, let the echoes of our love carry you beyond the confines of time. Our story, though marked by pain, is a testament to a love that defied the shadows."

As (Y/N)'s strength waned, Ravenna cradled them in the quiet of the library, their intertwined tale reaching a bittersweet conclusion. Love, though ephemeral, had left an indelible mark on the pages of their shared history.

A/N: I don't know if this makes any sense, I wrote this bit by bit and I'm really tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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