Chapter: 1

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At the abandoned building outside Seoul City where terrorist made two American and Korean hostages. American soldiers were trying to invade but kept failing. There was no sign of hope.

'As you can see this footage Two Americans are hostages. They want to negotiate with American authorities directly but no response from government.'

News channels covering the situation. While American soldiers were trying to invade, "These Koreans are really stupid. We must stop it from public and they are going to spread like k drama." Rest of team laughed as they heard footstep making them raise their guns.

"Show yourself" leader named Mark warned the stranger. They saw group of military soldiers came. But they didn't pull their guns down. Then a guy came in front of them. "Relax I am also came for same purpose as you." He raised his hands. Mark frowned, "Look kid its not play ground. You must leave here." Guys chuckled, "That's what your problem dude. You jump into the conclusion too soon. Small figure means kid. You should not especially not korean. A very handsome guy cam be psycho killer who can easily kill you with his look." That made Mark angry and he dropped his gun and army gear. He threw a knife to him. "Then show what are you. A military or psycho." Mark signed his group to step backward.

He kicked the knife, "You know my master taught mew never attack on unarmed with weapon. Fight should be fair." They started fighting Mark hit him very hard and the guy kept smile and laughing then kept dodging every attack the only one blow on the nape knocked him down. His tteam went to him with guns. He raided hand and put the knife on unconcious Mark's neck. "I am kind of both as you saw. If you want to save those hostages then follow me.

He picked mark on his shoulder. He signed as stand down. When he went inside and Mark got concious, "Stay slept we are inside." He saw one terrorist , "Anneongseong, I brought a gift for you. He is the leader of soldiers trying to invade. Rest are rest in peace." Then terrorist opened the secret door behind cabinet where they kept the hostages. "Boss that guy brought the army soldier leader. He already killed rest of his team." He bowed to the leader. As Mark putted down from his grip. "You are really stronger fighter. You can join us." No reply to guy who just went to the table and drank water, "YAH I AM TALKING TO YOU" "YASHIS, I know I have ears and I can hear. Can you please let me rest a little. Its not easy to carry that big bag of rock here." He groaned.

"Well yeah I can join you but I did not came here with this one. But also with some offer." That made them brows up. "And What's that offer?" He smirked, "Release those foriegner and local hostages. And in return I will let you escape with your dignity." That made them raise their guns to him. He smiled, "I just defeated that big ass trained soldier. You think I can't take you all." Then he whistled and one by one men fell as they got shot from no where. Then only their leader left. Mark was shocked as he saw that person who was just the kid just killed each and everyone.

Those were Korean soldiers. Sneaking into quite a while and hidden. The guy turned to Mark, "That is power and mind of Korean army. You keep thinking and things are already done." He helped him get up and his team also came. They successfully saved there hostages. Then Mark saw the guys went to cabinet. He opened it and it was small girl in her 5 years. He extended his hand to her and that was made American doing awe. After everting calmed down terrorist leader was taken by Korean police. Both soldiers saluted to each others. Mark shook hands with the guy, "You really are a different. What's your name young man."

"Jungkook" The answer was short yet very powerful. After a while he left the place.

In the evening every soldier from rescue operation were at bar. Including Jungkook. They were drinking, hooting and shouting. Now that operation is done. The Chief gave them a party. "Hey Jungkook, why are you not drinking?" Jungkook was too introverted when with his friends. But he is very cheerful guy. Just because the past he became very strong yet very emotional. And Mingyu and his friend Jaehyun knew him for 3 years when they were in same regiment. They were brothers to him.

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