None Down, Nineteen to Go! Part 2/ Now We Are Making Progress

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Cody and Harold finally made it to the second plane, the last ones to board. Most of the seats in the front were taken as well as the ones in the back, leaving both of them with a few in the middle. They took the seats right behind Jen and Tom, none of the other teams sitting in the seats beside them.

Before they could fully sit down a flight attendant was right by their side, both unsure how she got there so fast. She was holding her hand out expectantly. Both boys looked at her confused before she glanced up at their helmets and then back down at her hand. Realizing what she meant, they both took off their helmets, quite surprised by the nice service they were receiving.

After the helmets were placed in her hand, she walked off as fast as she could in her black heels. They were about to sit down when the same flight attendant came back again, only this time she was holding two ice packs in both hands, holding them out to the boys.

With a thank you, they took the ice packs gratefully as they held the ice pack to their aching faces from their fall 10 minutes ago. Satisfied, the flight attendant left again, letting the duo sit in their seats to relax before their next challenge.

"That was...surprisingly a pleasant experience? Did we finally die or something?" Cody looked back at Harold, looking astonished by what had just taken place.

"You tell me, I'm still shocked that our seats actually have real seatbelts. Christ wouldn't even grant us decency with fake seatbelts, let alone a flight attendant."

"Unless you count Chef in a dress," they started to snicker at each other, finding the joke humorous. The plane's intercoms were starting to produce feedback as the flight attendant at the end of the place started to speak into it.

"Please everyone remain seated and buckled at this time, we are about to take flight in five minutes," The woman's pleasant voice rang out through the plane. Cody watched as she went to buckle herself in a seat right by the intercoms, taking out her phone to do whatever it was she wanted to do,

Cody listened to her instructions, planning to get comfortable while actually being safe for once. As he did, a yawn seemed to escape between his lips, now feeling the exhaustion catching up to him.

He knew he should be using this time to start talking about strategy, but it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open any longer.

'Well, five minutes wouldn't hurt. Plus, it is better to be well-rested for the next challenge'

Cody thought, feeling himself slowly being lured into sleep. Well, he was before Harold started to screech right in his ear, jolting him right back awake.

'Never mind then, sleep is for the weak anyways I suppose.'

"Is everything alright- ah!" As Cody turned to where Harold was sitting in the aisle seat he was shocked to see someone staring at them.

"Eeek! I just can't believe I'm on the same plane as a Drama Brother! Literally the best day ever!" The girl in question had her hands on top of his armrest, leaning over him with stars in her eyes.

"Um, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be sitting down before the plane takes off, right?" The shorter boy sounded unsure himself, despite knowing the exact answer to that question. He knows how crazy superfans can get.

"Psh! How can I be talking to the H-Bomb right now? Smile!" She stood on her tippy toes, making sure she got all three of them in the photo, catching both boys off guard as she took the picture.

"Kitty!" a sharp voice called out, a shorter woman walking up to the taller one. She looked a lot like Kitty, her hair was the same dark sky color as Kitty, and the only difference was her hair was down her mid-back not being held up by anything. Regardless of them looking so similar you can tell that they were completely different by the way they presented themselves.

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