Hungry Bird Chase 2

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The large monster emerged from the darkness, Jumbo Josh.

The large green reptilian beast stalked towards you and Banban, a deep growl rumbled from him.

As if on instinct, Opila bolted up the stairs, you watched from a high altitude as Josh and Banban began to fight.

Banban leapt onto Josh's face, latching onto him, and clawing at it madly.

You saw him draw what you assumed to be blood.

Josh stumbled back, distracted by the assault on his face.

It didn't distract him long however, as he found his footing, and forcibly gripped Banban.

You watched, your heart clenched as you witnessed Banban being thrown to the ground.

You audibly gasped as Josh's giant fist came crashing down into Banban's body.

You swore you heard something crack or break.

You decided you needed to take action, but how?

You fumbled with your bag, there had to be something you could use, right?

Water Bottle? Probably not. Bandages? The hell would bandages do against a Dinosaur?? 

A lunch bag?

Actually, that could work.

You remembered the murals you saw of Jumbo Josh encouraging kids to eat vegetables- like he did.

You pulled out a large zip lock bag of carrots from your lunch.

You steered Opila down the steps. Though she was obviously hesitant, you managed to coerce her into doing it.

The two of you reached the bottom of the staircase. 

You whistled loudly to grab Josh's attention. Once his eyes locked with yours, you tossed a carrot in front of him.

He slowly pulls his gaze away from you looking at the vegetable with what you assumed to be some level of suspicion.

But whatever equation he had ping ponging in his head, he eventually came to the conclusion that yes, it was a carrot. He let go of Banban, no longer crushing the red monster and ate the carrot off the floor. 

His demeanor changed entirely after that. He approached you and sat merely feet away.

You gulped at the behemoth towering before you.

He looked at you expectantly.

You pulled out another carrot, but this time, instead of throwing it, you held it out above your head. His good eye widened in what you could only guess was excitement. 

He leaned forward, eating it from your hand.

His massive teeth crunched the vegetable loudly.

You offered another one, and once again, he ate it.

You had an idea.

"Hey buddy, can you hold out your palm for me?" 

You demonstrated with your own hand, facing it flat and palm up.

He stared at his own hand, confused, but did as you asked.

You poured the remaining carrots into his open hand, he ecstatically devoured them in front of you. 

He seemed far less threatening now, just excited for vegetables.

He laid down in front of you, you extended your hand out to him, gently petting his head, avoiding the deep gashes that were still oozing red.

His poor half melted face, his jagged, cavity-riddled teeth… it made you soak in the appearances of all the monsters around you.

Opila, once the beautiful bird who kept a gentle watch over the young children in the kindergarten. Now, she was gaunt, and her feathers had either faded in color, or fallen out.

Banbaleena looked haggard as well, covered in colorful stains and splotches. 

And Banban, he- wait.

Oh shit! You forgot about Banban for a second, was he okay?

You hopped off of Opila, approaching the red monster on the floor.

You approached with caution, unsure if he was still… like "that". 

But upon closer inspection, he seemed to be unconscious, laying on his back. With the amount of times he'd been thrown around, you'd be more surprised if he actually did stay awake.

Through his slightly parted lips, who's sharp fangs were once again nowhere to be found. It was like when you first met him.

His face was more bruised than before, and when you checked the back of his head, it too, was purple with bruises.

Your bandaids couldn't fix that much.

You heard a strained chirp behind you. You turned to see Opila towering over you.

She too, was not as aggressive as before, instead sitting next to you.

You pulled something else out of your lunch bag, you dissected your sandwich, offering her the bread.

She scarfed it down. 

You took note of the scrapes around her leg. She noticed your stare, and pecked at your bag.

"Do you… want me to wrap up your leg?" She replied with more vigorous pecking. You assumed that was a yes.

So, you did as you were "asked", you used some alcohol wipes to clean the wounds, and wrapped them in gauze. At this rate, you were going to run out by the end of the day.

Josh approached the three of you, and laid down next to you again. Looking up at you pleadingly. 

Right, the claw marks.

You did your best to clean them, but you couldn't properly bandage him due to his size.

At least you were able to dab the blood off of him.

Your peaceful moment was short lived, as the giant orange creature emerged from the darkness once more.

You were really starting to hate Stinger Flynn.

It seemed you weren't the only one, as Jumbo Josh let out a ferocious roar, interrupting Stinger Flynn from speaking.

It did not take long for another flight to break out. This time between Jumbo Josh and Stinger Flynn.

Before you could even think about grabbing Banban, Opila's beak bit down on the back of your shirt, practically throwing you on to her back before she ran up the stairs again, where she dumped you quickly before charging into action.

The fast uneven movement of it all made you nauseous, and being thrown on the floor at the top of the stairs did not help with your disorientation.

Tarta, who had been waiting at the top of the stairs with their baby bird, lept from the ledge to join Opila.

You took the bird and ran.

From one parent to another, the least you could do was help Opila keep her hatchling safe.

Though you ran with a heavy heart, having to leave Banban behind.

What if that was the last time you saw him?

(To be continued)

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