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💫🏳️‍🌈Hello, my rainbow stars!🏳️‍🌈💫

Welcome to Pride flags and their meanings!

If there's ANY homophobic comments here, I won't hesitate to YEET ya out of here. So don't try me. >:D

Table of contents 🏳️‍🌈
1. Straight
2. Straight Ally
3. Gay Man
4. Lesbian
5. Bisexual
6. Bi-Curious
7. Pansexual
8. Pan-Curious
9. Omnisexual
10. Polysexual
11. Amoveosexual
12. Polyamory
13. Enbian
14. Delphinian
15. Asexual/Ace
16. Aromantic
17. Lithromantic
18. Trans-Gender
19. Trans-Feminine
20. Trans-Masculine
21. Non-Binary
22. Agender
23. Agender-Flux
24. Gender-Fluid
25. Ambinary
26. Androgyne
27. Bi-Gender
28. Pan-Gender
29. Bond-Fluid
30. Demi-Boy
31. Demi-Girl
32. Demi-Gender
33. Achillean
34. Sapphic
35. Diamoric
36. Aponian
37. Multisexual
38. Bi-Romantic
39. Pan-Romantic
40. Demi-Sexual
41. Demi-Romantic
42. Grey-Sexual
43. Grey-Romantic
44. Diomni
45. Disexual
46. Abrosexual
47. Auto-sexual
48. Gender-Queer
49. New Bi-Gender
50. Cupio-Romantic
51. Tri-Gender
52. Intersex
53. Trixic
54. Toric
55. Libra-Feminine
56. Libra-Musculine
57. Ambonec
58. Alexi-Gender
59. Aero-Gender
60. Aro-Gender
61. Ilya-Gender
62. Cass-Gender
63. Fluid-Flux
64. Gender-Void
65. Aroace
66. Demi-Bisexual
67. Demi-Pansexual
68. Hetero-Flexible
69. Homo-Flexible
70. Ace-Spike
71. Anthrosexual
72. Neptunic
73. Skoliosexual
74. Pomosexual
75. Gynephilia
76. Androphilia
77. Twink
78. Novisexual
79. Para-Girl
80. Para-Boy
81. Para-Non-Binary
82. Poly-Gender
83. Neutrois
84. Maverique
85. Pivot-Gender
86. Gender-Fae
87. Gender-Faun
88. Gender-Flor
89. Demiandrogyne
90. Cisgender
91. Homo-Romantic
92. Omni-Romantic
93. Ace-Flux
94. Minsexual
95. Ninsexual
96. Neusexual
97. Finsexual
98. Sapiosexual
99. Nomasexual
100. Nowomansexual
101. Quoisexual
102. Gynosexual
103. Aegosexual
104. Requissexual
105. Fraysexual
106. Reciprosexual
107. Girl-Flux
108. Boy-Flux
109. Demi-Fluid
110. Anon-Binary
111. Lunagender
112. Abinary
113. Abrogender
114. Questioning
115. Gender-Blind
116. Gender-Apathethic
117. Uranic
118. Fictosexual
119. Saturnic
120. Mercuric
121. Venusic
122. Terraric
123. Marsic
124. Lunarian
125. Solarian
126. Aurorian
127. Singularian
128. Stellerian
129. Spacialian
130. Apothiromantic
131. Linumgender
132. Oriented Aroace
133. Angled Aroace
134. Drag Pride
135. Femache
136. Demian
137. Coesexual

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