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 We walked into the Great Hall in awe. It was truly beautiful. The ceiling looked like the night sky with floating candles. Hermione was telling me something about the charm they used to make the ceiling look like that but I was too busy looking at my surroundings. There were four rows and in front, there was Dumbledore. I walked past catching eyes as they whispered noticing me. We all gathered up in front hurdled up with chair at the very front with a brown hat 

"Before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words" The lady said. I looked at Dumbledore as he stood up 

"I have a few starts of term notices I wish to announce. First years please note, that the dark forset is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Flich has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who doesn't wish to die the most painful way possible. Thank you" He said sitting back down 

'Who doesn't wish to die the most painful way' that part was bugging me. What could be kept in this school that was so threatening

"When I call your name, you will come forward and place the sorting hat on your head. And you'll be sorted into your houses" The lady said

What house would I be in? I hope not Slytherin, not that they're bad or anything....I just don't want to be near Malfoy because I know he will be in Slytherin, gut feeling. My mother believes I will be in Gyffindor and so does Marcel, Damon and Auntie Rebekah. Uncle Kol and Uncle Elijah believe I will be in Slytherin and Auntie Freya believes I will be in Ravenclaw

"Hermione Granger" 

I looked over at the girl as she made her way up whispering something to herself for reassurance 

"Mental that one, I'm telling you" I heard Ron whisper 

The talking hat thought for a moment and shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" We all clapped as she made her way to the Gryffindor table 

A few names called, some that I knew and some that I didn't know. The Malfoy boy ended up in Slytherin, no surprise at all. I knew before he even put the sorting hat on his head, seems like that hat did too as it shouted Slytherin before it was even properly on 

"Hope Mikaelson" 

I looked over at Hope as she confidently walked over to the sorting hat as people whispered and then she sat down. The talking hat thought for a moment before shouting, "GRYFFINDOR!" We all clapped as she made her way to the Gyffindor table 

"Zoe Bennett Mikaelson" 

I walked up hearing a few whispers. I could hear the specific word clearly though, Beauxbatons. I sighed as I made my way up and sat down. The sorting hat started thinking out loud as it was placed on my head 

"A Mikaelson at Hogwarts! Mmmm surprising. Let's see here.....The brains of a Ravenclaw, ambitions of a Slytherin, the bravery and fearlessness of a Gryffindor....ah but the perfect match for you is....GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled. I smiled and then sat next to Hermione and Hope was in front of me 

"I'm so glad we're in the same house! We're gonna be best friends" Hermione said smiling 

"Me too" I said 

"Kiki Bennett Salvatore" 

Kiki walked over to the sorting hat with confidence and with a little smirk on her face as people whispered at her. Kiki took a sit and smiled at the crowd. The sorting hat thought for a moment before shouting, "GRYFFINDOR!" We all clapped and she come and sat infront of me next to Hope

"Harry Potter" Again, The Great Hall filled with whispers as the chosen boy made his way up to the front and put the sorting hat on. The sorting hat was thinking hard and long while Harry whispered something to it 

"Not Slytherin? Are you sure?" The hat said. This goes for a few more seconds, the hat talking about how good he would be in Slytherin. The chosen one is Slytherin sounds funny 

"Alright then.....GRYFFINDOR!" Many cheered and clapped as Harry made his way and sat down 

"Ronald Weasley" 

Definitely a Gryffindor. I mean, look at every other Wealsey 

"GRYFFINDOR" We all clapped for him as he made his way to the table and sat next to Harry 

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said as our plates magically filled with food. I looked around to see others, especially Ron stuffing their food. I wonder how they do that, nowdays when I try to stuff food I get bad flashbacks and gag. I started eating the food cutting it with a knife first then eating it with a fork. I got a few confused looks from other students but I had to keep my mother's words. I looked over at Hermione and she was doing the same thing as me, eating with a fork and knife. I made a good friend and I looked over at my sisters and they were doing the same 

As we were eating a head popped up from the middle of the table. "Hello everyone!" He said. My students let out a gasp but I simply just froze and flinched. Although secretly, I found it cool I didn't say anything. He then flies out showing himself, it was Sir Nicholas, my mom told me about him. A few ghost started showing up flying everywhere 

"Wait a minute, I know you! You're nearly headless Nick!" Ron shouted looking back at the ghost 

"Nearly Headless, how can you be nearly headless?" Hermione asked furrowing her eyebrows. She's great friend but I could tell she was a know it all 

"Like this" He replied pulling his head off of his neck however it doesn't all fall out. Now I see what he means by nearly. A lot of students groan in disgust and I just simply go back to eating having seen worse than that. I couldn't help but notice a set of green eyes fixated on me half the time but I didn't say anything about it

Sisters from different misters Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora