Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

POV: Xander Hawthorne

I watch as her face visibly shows signs of nervousness. I have to give it to her though, she hides it very quickly. I knew I made the right choice by asking this question, it's a subtle way to learn more about her. I can't come on too strong, that's why I asked her to play this game. One of my personal favorites for finding out information in a subtle way.

Right as she's about to answer the question, someone comes into view, turning the corner in front of us. I could recognize that cowboy hat and slow stroll anywhere. As soon as she sees this person, there is a relieved look on her face. I decide I'll let this question pass.

For now.

"Oh, and there's my wannabe cowboy brother now," I exclaim as Nash makes his way towards us. I hear Melody let out an audible breath. I don't have to be a detective to know she's hiding something. Something very important.

"Hello my dear brother Nash." He is now directly in front of us, carefully removing his cowboy hat. He warily glances at me, and then at Melody. His eyes squint. Even if I am taller than him, Nash has always been kind of intimidating to me. It must be because he's the oldest.

"Hello Xan, and who is this with you?" Melody stiffens beside me. She doesn't have to worry though, because I won't say anything about how I found her wandering in the halls without anyone with her. Gaining her trust is the first step to find more about what she clearly isn't showing me.

"This is my new friend Melody! She was the one who arrived while that wonderful will reading was going on. I was just giving her a tour of our magnificent home." Nash carefully nods his head at my half explanation. I know he won't question it though because I've given multiple half-explanations before. I need to deter this conversation, something I've also done many times.

"And where are you heading to, Nash?" I question him, crossing my arms. I am not really that interested in his response, I just need him to forget about Melody.

"I just wanted to catch up on some reading." Now it's my turn to squint my eyes. I don't see Nash reading too often. I'll let it slide. "Heading over to the circle library." I beam, the circle library is my favorite of all libraries in the house. I remember once I set off an experiment in one of the secret passages near there. Some of the library was damaged from an explosion, but my grandfather had congratulated me. I was never used to getting congratulated by him, so I had held on to that for a long time.

"I think Melody will surely love to see the circle library, we'll head on over with you!" Crisis averted, hopefully Nash won't say another question asking who Melody is. Frankly, I don't even know the answer to that question.

"Happy to have you tag along. So Melody, what's the reason you have arrived at Hawthorne House?" Nash starts calmly strolling again. Crisis not averted. If he thinks Melody is suspicious, he might start questioning her. That means she'll be more closed off from anyone who's a Hawthorne. That means that I won't ever find out where her parents are.

"Oh.. well-" I quickly cut her off. Even if by the looks of it, she seems like a smart person, I can't have her tell an easy lie that Nash will spot. Or, have her say something that Nash can ask more questions about. My brain is whirling, thinking at the speed of light for quick answers.

"I believe she told Grayson that-" She cuts me off, finishing the explanation on her own.

"I told Grayson that if he doesn't let me in the house, he will never know the secret I'm hiding." She holds up her head high. Even if I think it's always good for a person to have confidence, she's basically asking Nash to question her more. She doesnt know I'm trying to save her.

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