Chapter 5

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-Sofia Grey Baird-

Haymitch and I are in the elevator, making our way down to the airstrip. I'm trying to calm my heartbeat to a steady pace but I'm failing to do so. I try to focus on his last minute advice instead of my upcoming destination

"They'll put all kinds of stuff right in front, right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. They'll even be a bow there"

I turn my head to him at the mention of the bow. At least there's something I can defend myself with. But of course, Haymitch contradicts my thoughts

"Don't go for it."

"What? Why not?"

"It's a bloodbath. They're trying to pull you in, to tempt you. That's not the game your playing. You turn, run, find high ground, look for water. Waters your new best friend"

I nod making a mental note of everything he is saying. He pauses to think of what else to add then turns back to me

"Don't step off that pedestal early or they'll blow you sky high."

"I won't."

The elevator arrives on the bottom floor and the door opens. Haymitch places his hand on my back and leads me to the peacekeepers standing at the entrance of the airship. Before we reach them he stops and turns me around to face him. Placing both hands on my shoulders and looking me dead in the eyes

"Sofia Grey, you can do this"

It looks like he wants to say more but can't find the words. So I nod and smile, pulling him into a hug

"Thanks Haymitch, I'll see you in a few days?"

He nods and we break the hug. I give him one final 'I can do this' look before walking to the peacekeepers who led me up the ramp and into the airship where I found my seat with some other Tributes. I watch as a lady goes from each Tribute injecting their arm with something. She makes her way over to me and asks for my arm

"I'm sorry, what is that?"

She grabs my right arm and injects me with it. It isn't until after she's finished when she reply's

"Your tracker"

I watch as a little light makes its way through my forearm before disappearing. It felt a little tingly but went away after a short while. The lights switched to blue and I could feel us take up into the air. I would've found the whole me up in an aircraft for the first time exciting if it weren't for the destination I was headed. The girl next to me from District 2, Clove, was practically shaking. But not from fear. From excitement. She could barely hold back her smile. Meanwhile I felt as though I would pee my pants any second

When the plane finally landed, two peacekeepers escorted me out and down a long hallway before we finally got to a room. They open the door and I nervously walk in. They shut the door behind me and I look around the room, spotting Cinna who was waiting for me. I go up to him and he pulls me into a tight hug. I'm shaking with fear. I don't think I'm able to do this. I'm a 16 year old girl with little muscle and no fighting abilities. If I had to go up against someone like Cato, I wouldn't stand a chance


He says, moving to grab something from behind him then turning back to me. It's my grandmothers moon necklace. He wraps it around my neck and clasps it, before zipping up the jacket outfit given to all Tributes. He holds one finger to his lips to let me know not to tell anyone and I smile lightly, thanking him.

"30 seconds"

A voice comes over the P.A and I start shaking again, barely able to catch my breath. Cinna takes ahold of my shoulders.

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