Daring - NovaHD

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2 - thecreaturehub, novahd.

Prompt: Highschool James and Aleks share a bed for the night.

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"Fuck you, I'm not sleeping on the floor!" Aleks yelled quietly as James' parents assumed they had fallen asleep over an hour ago but they'd actually stayed up playing video games until they were slumping against eachother with their winning exhaustion - James being the one to nudge away the grumpy Aleks.

"Well I can't sleep on the floor, I have a bad back!" the curly haired male countered.

Aleks simply huffed in response to that one, putting his hands on his hips and looking down at the single bed, then eyeing his friend bitterly before replying

"Then we'll share."

to which James held in a breath, puffing it out with a 'fine' along with a roll of his eyes, then tugging his shirt over his head and crawling onto his bed carefully as to minimalise the sound of his creaky mattress. Aleks somewhat hesitantly followed suit, sliding down his sweatpants but keeping on his tshirt, siting at the edge of the bed and shifting under the covers - unsure as to how close was too close.

"Budge up, I need more room!" He insisted soon after, whispering a shout.

"I have no where to budge, you'll just have to move over more you asshole." James mumbled back, eyes already closed.

The younger narrowed his own eyes at the elder even though they couldn't see, moving so he was leaning against him slightly when he layed down, smirking to himself as he closed his eyes. 'If that fucker wants me to move closer, I'll move closer ' he thought, his stubborn mind turning James' words into a challenge.

But when he heard a calm 'goodnight' from the other, the teen felt a strange sense of disappointment, turning his head slightly to look over the other's sleeping face before sighing softly.


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James, being sixteen and extremely hormonal, masturbates every night (and sometimes multiple times a day). And although he really fucking tried, he couldn't make tonight an exception. An uninvited boner not only woke him up but kept him awake, and the longer he tried to ignore it - the worse it got.

James was now attempting but failing to hold back whimpers, clutching his sweatpants to not only stop his hands from roaming but so his heated writhing wouldn't wake the sleeping boy who had rolled to the edge of the bed but was still severely close.

Though after the taste of blood staining his tongue due to biting down too hard on his lip, he decided he couldn't hold on any longer - flicking wary, watering eyes back over to Aleksandr as he slowly slipped his hand down under his boxers and along his aching member. The relief almost made him moan out loud, but he bit back down on his sore lower lip, only letting out a soft noise which still had his slightly hazy mind erratic with fear of being caught.

But after a little while, once he had grew more daring with his movements without a reaction from the boy next to him - James let himself relax and his head roll back onto his pillow which overlapped with the other's. And though he still had to hold back and keep control of himself, this felt so much better than all the times before as the adrenaline mixed with the pleasure.

- - -

Aleks was slowly awakened by a slight jolting of the mattress, his eyebrows knitting together before his lids opened lazily, shooting wide open when he registered the sight before him. He held back a gasp and blushed as he watched his friend eagerly touching himself just centimeters away from him. The young Russian had no idea what to do in a situation like this. He tried closing his eyes and ignoring the creaking of the bed, the soft pants and quiet groans along with the general sound of masturbation that he knew all to well. But of course it didn't work. And Aleks shamefully became aware of the new problem he had developed.

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