The Circus

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Today, like everyday, I glance at my repertoire. I don't know why, it's always the same. Wake up, brush my teeth, shower, and finally put on my lycra. It's uncomfortable to wear, but I manage.

With a grave expression, I slip outside. Soon, I'm at work and completely baffled as I see another male performer. His movements are smooth and fluid, graceful, even.

Well, they were anyway, until one of the sandbags from above 'accidentally' fell. It crushed his skull almost instantly, leaving nothing, but an unfixable mess.

Doesn't matter anyway, he was impure, subsisting merely for the enjoyment of others. I suppose, in a way, he and I are alike.

Others grimace at the bloody mess bestowed before them. I turn away. My feet sashayed as I moved across the floor.

I was handed a paper and told to deliver it to my commanding supervisor. I was left confused, but it wasn't my problem, I merely did as I was told.

I'm not one to ask for such pleasantries, but I must. I walked slowly towards my mentor, who sat vulnerable with his back to me. I know he was the one who had done it. I can't help, but feel vengeful. He is a murderer, after all. I shall put an end to this delusional man. Hopefully, this wretched place will be condemned after the proper authorities check it out. 5 minutes of poking around, and it'll be shut down for good. All I have to do... Is kill him.
I know I was only supposed to deliver an envelope, but there's no one to stop me and with him distracted to such a surreal degree– I can only think of the rush I'll get. Oh! This is better than the time I ate that child! I must remain calm.. One wrong move and this could all go up in flames..
I sneak up behind him. Reaching into my outfit, I pull out a simple device; a switch blade pocket knife.. I start behind him when I heard.
"Yes, Robert?" He said, I immediately freeze up and try to hide the fact I was about to kill him. Damn, I was so close to escaping this living hell.. Why couldn't he have just stayed in his focus! Play it cool.. He'll never know.
"I was told to devolve this envelope to you, sir" I say to my mentor, gritting my teeth the entire time to withhold the strong, bloodthirsty urge to rip his heart out and eat it while it beats in my hand. A shiver runs up my spine at the thought of his blood spilling everywhere... I can't wait to see the look on the headmaster's face when he sees me tearing into his son's body. Oh, the feeling will be amazing!
"Very well then, place it on my desk and leave." he barked out, forcing me out of my orgasmic thoughts. I grit my teeth and do just that.

"Before I go, I must ask you a question," I start.
"Yes? What is it? I am a very busy man, you know!" He yelled at me. God, this degenerate is far beyond salvation. He's impure, and it disgusts me..
"Of course, sir, I will make it snappy," I say before plunging my switchblade into his chest before ripping his heart out and biting into it. Blood squirt all over, he choked on his own blood.

I shiver at the sight, this is better than I could've ever imagined! I shove my face with his rich, entitled flesh. Sickening sounds coming from the room alert passersbys.

The headmaster was informed, and he soon came, hoping not to catch his son in 'unholy acts' per se. Instead, what he walked into was something truly heart wrenching for any parent; the sight of their child, their own flesh and blood, getting brutally mutilated by one of his own employees! Oh, it's richer than his blood!
"What.. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? YOU MONSTER!" Headmaster McGonagall yelled. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. I couldn't help, but chuckle at his ignorance.
"Isn't this what you wanted!? This is what you have caused! Just if you both had treated us better! This is your fault. But hey, it's not all bad! Mayhaps we could come up with a compromise?" I offer, but he wasn't having it.
"Like hell I'd compromise with a cannibal! Let alone one who ate my precious son!" He screamed like a banshee at me. Rude.
"Fine. Have it your way then, you'll both die today." I say with a sinister look on my face as I approach headmaster McGonagall. I can't help, but laugh at his pathetic face begging for mercy.

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