The search

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   The next few days seem to pass quickly as in those days Tails comes to the conclusion to believe Eggman, after-all in the end he would hopefully get to see Sonic  again after his best friend isolated himself ever since the day everything went wrong.

Later that day Tails grabs a backpack, filling it with food and tools in case of need before he gives an exasperated sigh and turns off the lights in his workshop, he then steps out the door to begin his adventure to find his friend Amy Rose first.

Amy rose was the least isolated, she still helped the innocent and occasionally is on the news but her demeanour has changed drastically. She no longer wears her bright red dress with that shining sparkle in her gaze when she smiled. Amy now appears more quiet and cold to others and often wears a black long sleeved sweater  with a mini skirt around her waist and a belt to keep her pants and skirt in place. She keeps her hammer, though there seems to be spikes covering the top to make more damage and a red ribbon can be seen wrapped around one of her thick quills.


The gravel beneath the pink hedgehogs dark boots crack as she walked through the streets of a town she was requested to protect for the night in case of any bandits, there had been strangely more bandit attacks but to Amy, she found it pointless to react as much as the townspeople did. "This is stupid, they're being paranoid." Amy rose told herself with a scoff before rolling her eyes.

Her large Piko hammer sits comfortably on her back with a thick and flexible strap over her chest to keep her hammer in place. On the top of the hammer were bandages and spikes with old dry blood on the bandages around her Piko hammer. The night was quiet and still and the only sounds that could be heard were Amy's steps and soft breathing. Suddenly, the sound of a wire recoiling can be heard as Amy rose immediately pulls out her spiked hammer at the sound she goes into a defensive position. "Who's there?!" She would call out with not a trace of fear in her tone.

"It's me, tails. I just wanna talk." A voice sounds from the darkness near the alleyway causing Amy's eyes to widen in shock as she then slightly lowers her weapon. Before she can reply tails walks out from the dark, he's a lot taller, thinner and he appears more tired. He wears heavy brown boots and tall thick gloves that go to his wrists with a backpack strapped tightly to his back.

"Tails...?" Amy mutters quietly as if she didn't believe the sight of her dear old friend, after all it had been ten years since she had heard of the two tailed fox. "Yeah, it's me Amy. I need a favour." Tails says gently trying his best to remain unintimidatig to Amy.

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