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Miguel stood at the edge of the worn-out pier, his eyes fixed on the dark waters below. The sky painted a mesmerizing canvas of fiery reds and deep purples, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The cold wind whipped against his face, causing him to hunch his shoulders in response. Clutching his phone tightly, its screen illuminating his pale features, he anxiously awaited the arrival of his best friend, Julia.

Hours had passed since he had received her text, beckoning him to this desolate place. Hours since he had mustered the courage to confront her with the damning evidence he had captured on his phone. Hours since he had witnessed the unspeakable act committed by her stepfather. As he stood there, a whirlwind of emotions consumed him - frustration, despair, and a flicker of hope. Frustration at the situation that had unfolded, despair at the potential pain it could inflict upon Julia, and hope that she would finally see the truth.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, and though he didn't turn, Miguel knew it was Julia. The waves gently caressed the wooden posts of the pier, creating a soothing rhythm in the background. Finally, she spoke, her voice strained and barely audible. "I can't believe you were spying on Steven, Miguel," she whispered. "How could you do that?"

He heard footsteps approach from behind, and without turning, he knew it was her. There was a brief silence, broken only by the sound of the waves lapping against the wooden posts of the pier. Finally, she spoke. "I can't believe you were spying on Steven, Miguel." Her voice was strained, barely above a whisper. "How could you do that?"

He turned slowly, meeting her gaze. The hurt and betrayal in her eyes cut him to the core. "It wasn't my intention at first to spy on him. It just happened Julia," he said quietly. "I just wanted to get some answers but got something else instead." He held out his phone, offering her the evidence he'd recorded. "Please, just take it and watch."

Julia hesitated for a moment, her expression shifting from anger to uncertainty. She reached out tentatively and took the phone from him. As she looked at the pictures, and watched the video clip, her expression grew increasingly pale. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she looked up at Miguel, her voice barely above a whisper. "How long do you think this has been going on for?"

"I don't know, Julia," Miguel said gently. "I was as shocked as you were. I thought maybe I was imagining things, but it was all too real."

She wiped away a tear, her eyes fixed on the ground. "I... I don't know what to say. I can't believe this. He told me I was his only special girl." Her voice trembled, and she began to sob quietly. Miguel, with a firm voice, declared, "He's the fucking pastor, and he's married to your mom. He can't have special girls. He's sick, Julia, sick. And he's just using you for his own pleasure."

Julia hung her head low and cried out, "but he was my first."

Miguel moved closer to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. They stood there, embraced in each other's arms, as the cold wind swirled around them, seeking solace in their connection.

"I understand, Julia," Miguel whispered, his voice filled with raw emotion. "But you have to trust me. He's been manipulating you. He's been manipulating all of us. He's a monster, and we have to put an end to this." He held her even closer, feeling her trembling as she held back more tears. "We'll get through this, I promise. Together."

After what felt like an eternity, Miguel gathered the strength to break the silence. "We should go back, Julia. We need to talk to your mom and figure out what to do about Steven. It won't be easy, but we'll face it together." He gently squeezed her shoulder, offering her a glimmer of hope amidst their shared turmoil.

She nodded, wiping away the last of her tears. "Okay," she whispered softly. "Okay. But let me confront my mom tonight. Send me the video." "What will you do?" Miguel asked her.

Julia took a deep breath and replied, "I'm going to put an end to this."

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