Chapter Two

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The moment I heard it, whispered by the Fates, I ran. 

Never in a millennia have I ever run. But the Fates tell no lies.

I can feel his power, slimy and oily as it slides across the ground around me, behind me. He chased me across the globe within seconds and I know that one more would mean my death. I never feared it before, I never had reason to. I am death. 

I push my hands in front of me and place them on the barrier, it is strong but I quickly find a weak point in the Fae's defences. It is penetrable. I push my power through my arms, flexing my calloused fingertips as black lightning courses its way through my veins. My power, he wanted it but he'd never get it.

I push once more and then I feel it, the crack just wide enough for me to slide in, holding just long enough for my almost seven foot body and wide frame to get through before he can follow me. Safe, for now.

The oily magic that had been haunting me lashes forward, but the moment it meets the shield it recoils back. So far back that I can no longer sense it. Safe my mind calls to me, but it's not permanent. 

The Gods that sit atop Olympus fear the Fae, and they definitely have reason to. But all souls come to me, human or not. All slid down through the cracks and into the underworld. 

I still remember when the first Fae soul slid down to me. It was powerful, strong. The Fates tried to cut the thread of the Fae's life but still it clung on. 

Snip. No break. Snip. No tear. Snip. No slack in the thread. 

The soul stared at me, wide and awake glowing with power. Then the soul returned. Never in a millennia have I seen a soul return, not after they'd arrived to greet me. Now I have grown used to it. More often than not, Fae souls always return.

Some, however, stay just long enough to speak. I learned that Fae can not be killed unless their head is removed from their body, or specific and rare poison is used against them. If their blood is fully drained from their bodies, every last drop, they are also susceptible to death. Strong, powerful.

And I am now in their territory, the only place on earth safe enough to protect me with the only other beings strong enough to destroy me. 

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