Abducted for Profit

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"I swear-to-god, if one more bitch touches my laptop while i'm gone, there's gonna be consequences", Helena said to the other two, returning from the bathroom. "Relaaaax, miss uppity queen", said Raleen. She was swaying her calves up and down, lying face down on the couch, currently browsing her own notebook. An Iranian beauty with bumps in all the right places, the young girl was 5 feet and 11 inches of pure energy. "I was just changing your boring bubblegum playlist to something more interesting", she explained with a teasing smile. Rock music was now coming from the two small speakers on Helena's desk. The small rental apartment was buzzing with life, despite the late hours.

"My speakers, my music", Helena said assertively, and in seconds the dance beats returned. The young girl was a blonde cutie of Russian decent, who, although slim as a twig, could break your jaw by just looking at it. She was a pocket-sized dynamite. Despite how many times she "butted heads" with Raleen, they were actually very close friends, along with the third person in this peculiar group.

This was Mara, typically the oldest of this team, at 34 years of age. A black woman with a sweet face, contradicted her actual mind. She was laying horizontally on a sofa, clicking away at her own laptop, wearing a comfy magenta sweat suit combo. Despite the clothing's best efforts, it failed to hide her voluptuous booty and full breasts. Her long, wavy and puffy hair dangled from the edge of the sofa's arm, as did her feet. The Afro-American was always calmer and less talkative, especially if you compared her with the other two nutcases.

"Come on, girls, tomorrow is the auction. Let's get one more piece.", the unofficial leader said without taking her face off her screen.

Dublin had proved a good enough gig for the three girls, who were coworkers in arguably one of the more ancient jobs in history. Human trafficking. Well, "slavers" always sounded cooler to them. It wasn't a profession you just "fell into", but despite playing ball in yet another male-dominated field, the three girls were making a good buck, ever since they decided to work together. So good actually, that the had decide to fly overseas, to hunt for some more "exotic", fresh game. They had caught 6 "pieces" already, but they were trying squeeze in one more sale. Who knew when the next auction would take place. These things were rare and very fleeting, due to their huge secrecy. They had to strike while the iron was hot.

They were all currently scanning the interwebs of Dublin for a target, at least one that wasn't a pale-skinned, freckled redhead. They had landed enough of those. Internet nowadays, translated mostly to Instagram. Apart from the helpful bio, the girls there provided a plethora of informative public photos, usually with sexy, revealing clothing. The fact that it was summer helped their cause, with the recent flooding of bikini photos. Unbeknownst to them, all these women were auditioning to Helena, Raleen and Mara, for a position that, while not particularly coveted, would surely change their lives forever.

"I'm scanning for three hours now, nothing decent has come up...", Raleen justified herself, tired. A rare period of quiet time between all of them commenced, nothing heard but the bubblegum pop and the speedy typing from all the keyboards.

"Guys, i think i found something", Mara said with a contained enthusiasm. The other two huddled behind her, bending over her screen. "Whoa, she's a cutie!", Raleen exclaimed. The photo showed a - surprisingly for Ireland - well-tanned, young girl with dark blonde, straight hair, shaved on one side and falling down her chest on the other. The girls checked her out. "Yeah, her tits are good, her waist looks thin... nice face...", Helena commented on the photos, each compliment said with a stone-cold tone, as if ticking an imaginary check-list. It looked more like she was evaluating a tech gadget, rather than a person's appearance. "Do we have any ass shots?", the Russian doll asked, and Mara obliged her with some wholesome, happy pics of the girl, sunbathing on a towel at the beach, the photo at just the right angle for what they were looking for. "Cool...", she muttered. "Checked her Facebook account, she lives alone, just a 30 minute drive from here. Single house residence. Barwoman, so assuming she only works afternoons", Mara informed her partners.

"Great, do we lock her?", Raleen intertwined her fingers behind her head, seeming thrilled to end this boring desk job. "I think so...", Mara said. "Guuuh, I hate morning jobs...", Helena mumbled. "It's ok, we still have time for some "Fabulous Wives of LA!", Raleen said to both of them. "Time for Fa-bu bitcheees!", Mara got up from the sofa with a relieved joy, as they all made themselves comfortable on the couch to giggle at their favorite dumb, reality show. Tomorrow there was work to be done.

Caitlin always loved taking her sweet time to enjoy her morning coffee, in her favorite mug with a drawing of a sleepy puppy. She was grateful for the free time she had during the mornings. She could exercise, go for a jog, cook an actual meal, and take things at a slower pace.

Today though, was different. She had dressed at her absolute best, in a cute green dress that hugged her waist just right, and showed a little bit more thigh than the heat outside would suggest. It also showed off a modest, but not oblivious amount of cleavage. She always drove guys insane with that. She had already put her sexy pumps on and styled her hair on one side, sporting that trendy side-shave haircut, with a long, blonde side reaching her bellybutton and a close-shave brown patch on the other. With her fine watch and some beautiful earring, she looked like a million bucks.

In a few minutes she would go for a coffee with this cute guy Ray, she met at the bar a couple of nights ago. He was busy from noon onwards, so the "can i buy you a drink?", that she was anticipating turned into "can we go for some coffee?". But he was cute, so Caitlin agreed without much thought.

"How come you always dress like a child?", Raleen made fun of Helena's outfit. The three girls had just stepped out of the white van, parked right in front of a house in the suburban area of the city. A house they had never entered before. "Shut up, it makes me more approachable", Helena explained to the woman, annoyed. She was wearing a comfy, short black skirt, with a matching tight-fitting top. "Take off those sunglasses, if you want to seem approachable", Mara advised her.

All women were dressed in complimenting outfits. Mara wore some dark leggings and a bright orange, long sleeved shirt. As for Raleen she rocked some high-waist jeans with a white top that exposed her belly-button. Helena and Mara both had some sporty backpacks behind their backs.

"How come Raleen never carries anything?", Helena continued, just witnessing that the Iranian girl wasn't holding any type of baggage. "Sshhh", Mara said as she rang the doorbell.

While she was applying some finishing touches to her make-up, Caitlin was taken aback by the ringing of the bell. She wasn't expecting anyone. Would Ray actually pick her up from here!? She made her way to the door, and opened it with curiosity.

"Hi...ehm...sorry for the random intrusion...are we interrupting by any chance?", Mara spoke with a transformed politeness to the dressed up girl she saw in front of her. "Oh, no...not at all. How can i help you?", Caitlin seemed relieved that Ray hadn't surprised her, but was now even more confused by the sight of three strange women on her doorstep.

"Our car broke down about a mile from here, and we were looking to get some road assistance, but every guy we've come across is more interested in hitting on us, than helping", Mara rolled her eyes, in a manner signaling "you understand, right?" Caitlin took in the information for a second. "Ehh sure...come in", she welcomed them in with a smile. The sun was surprisingly spiky. She couldn't just let these girls outside to fry. She usually didn't let strangers into her house, but these girls weren't gonna do anything. Hell, one of them looked like a teenager, with her cute little backpack.

"Thank you so much", Raleen responded, gratefully. Helena mustered a thanking smile. "Can i have a glass of water, please", we've been walking for quite some time", she asked with pleading eyes. "Of course, let me get you some!", Caitlin always had a reputation for being a great host. She wasn't gonna ruin it now. Plus, she liked helping people in need. Hopefully in a few minutes, these girls would be on their way, and she would get her flirt on with Ray.

"Nice place you got there...ehm...didn't catch your name", said Mara, as the girl was filling up a glass of water. "Thanks. it's Caitlin", the girl responded, noticing a strangely specific detail. Despite their nice outfits, all three women wore flat sneakers. She didn't know why she even registered it, but it simply stroke her as odd.

"Mara...i gotta say, i love your little outfit, there", the black, charming woman put her palm on her chest as she introduced herself. Helena and Raleen secretly shared a knowing look. Mara was always so nice, up until that last second.

"Thank you...", Caitlin was caught of guard with compliments. "What are those heels? Are these Gucci?", Mara was a great actress. She slightly turned her body as she was speaking, so that Helena and Raleen, who wear sitting on the couch with untouched glasses of water, where now behind of Caitlin's field of vision. "Ahm, yeah, they are...", Caitlin leaned over her shoes, looking where Mara was looking, failing to notice that a split second later, the black woman raised her look, over the girl's shoulders.

The next moment, Caitlin felt two pairs of arms violently grab her from behind. "Whaa?MMMFFFGGG", her confused inquiry was never finished, as Raleen smothered her words with her hand. "MMmnnnnn, MMMMMMMMMGGGGHHH!", Caitlin screamed with all her strength, trying to break the soundproofing seal, while also shifting her head to try and move away from the silencing hand, but Raleen kept it in place without any effort.

Simultaneously, Caitlin frantically tried to pull her arms away from their grip, but with one girl responsible for each arm, she was clearly overpowered. Her arms had been securely pulled behind her back by the elbows. Despite all that, Helena and Raleen both received the random nail-scratches from the girl's struggling. It couldn't be helped, but at least it was far from posing any actual threat. Sometimes, you just have to get your hands dirty.

Also in the same time-span of 3 seconds, Caitlin desperately kicked her legs, or more accurately flailed them, towards the black woman in front of her. Mara took a slight step back, unfazed, to avoid contact. The woman's sweet, practiced smile had vanished, the exact instant the girl was jumped. She was now eyeing the girl like a hungry lioness, who had watched her pack land the first bite on a fleeing gazelle.

It was typical of someone who's being abducted, to toss and turn like that, and the three professionals knew that well. All Helena had to do was wait for a second and snatch one of Caitlin's legs (the one on her side, obviously), by the bridge of her foot. With added leverage, she then bent that leg behind towards the girl's butt, folding it at the knee. She exerted some extra pressure, bending the foot towards the girl's waist as far as it could go, eliciting a painful moan by her. The pain served as the first signal that fighting would not end well for the poor girl. But now, with one leg on the ground, the elegantly dressed woman was pretty harmless.

With panicked, wide eyes, the girl looked first on Helena on her left, then Raleen on her right, then on the woman in front of her.

While Caitlin exhausted herself a little more in the strange women's grip, now with more spasmodic, scarce outbursts, Mara brought her bag in front of her, not in a rush, but not taking her sweet time, either. Calm. Collected. In control. She took out a purple, rubber ball and a roll of tape. The ball looked very malleable, like a shrank bouncy ball. It was 2 1/4 inch in diameter. As soon as Mara brought it in front of the girl's mouth, her partner removed her hand, and Mara shoved the thing as far as it went, inside Caitlin's mouth.

Before the girl, who renewed her struggling at this new invasion, could do much, Mara had already placed the end of the tape on her cheek and dragged the roll across her mouth, over her lips. She rotated the tape around her head a good 3 or 4 times, not releasing any tension throughout, as if tying with a rope.

As soon as that was done, the girls, working in unison, like a well oiled machine, pushed Caitlin forward, falling on the ground with her. Well, on her, to be precise. Mara joined Raleen, who had readied Caitlin's arms behind her back. She was pressing down with her the lower, hard part of her palms, putting her whole weight right on the girl's elbows. It was too painful for the girl to even try to get out of that hold. Caitlin could only squeal in pain. That ball worked wonders. Despite being as loud as she could, only a soft, faint moan escaped Caitlin's taped lips. Someone outside the front door, would hear nothing. Mara got next to her pal and started passing more tape, right above the elbows and around her wrists.

Meanwhile, Helena was taking her supplies out, kneeling in front of the fighting woman's face. "Did you think i was likeable in this outfit?", she sincerely asked a girl, without a hint of sarcasm, while cutting two small pieces of tape from her roll. Caitlin simply eyed her with pleading eyes, having much bigger issues to deal with, at the given time. The Russian girl waited for a couple of seconds, vainly anticipating an actual answer to her question. Sighing disappointed, she placed the two square pieces of tape over Caitlin's eyes and pressed in gently. "I never get any feedback...", she muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, the two other girls were busy working on Caitlin's legs, which disappointingly, had begun kicking again. Mara started from the bottom up, taping the girls ankles, then calves, while Raleen did the same to the girl's thighs, and her ankles. She even lifted the already skimpy dress a little higher to tape her naked thighs, as cloth did not make for good adhesion.

Caitlin was losing it. This had gotten very wrong, terribly wrong. "What do these women even want from me?", she couldn't help but wonder. None of the possible answers seemed pleasant.

In the middle of this hustle, the sound of a simple, cheery xylophone melody started jingling happily. All three women momentarily turned their heads towards the source. It was Caitlin's phone, ringing from inside her handbag. Ray was checking to see if she would make it to their date. She wouldn't. With the phone's owner, now gagged AND blinded, struggling ineffectually under Mara's knee, the jingle stopped after about 10 seconds.

Ray sighed disappointed, on the other end of the missed line. Maybe the girl was just leading him on, after all.

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