Episode 3: Kick the Baby!

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Last time our heroes set out to stop the wormhole that contains what is left of Demigra's power. They fought through Frieza Soldiers and a steroid saiyan who hates goku because he cried so much when they were in the same room where they sleep as babies, but that's not even the worst part in that battle with the so called Legendary Super Saiyan. Tony and his friends were told of the terrible alternate universe known only as universe GT "the Go Throw yourself off a cliff like you did with Dragonball canon universe!". An alternate reality with a soundtrack is terrible, situations agonizing, new characters annoying, and villains recycled and uninteresting, but new adventures will be had in this terrible, terrible place.

*Age 850, In the Time Nest*

Tony, Quaza, Sun, Yang, and Pyrrha were called to the Time Nest for the first mission to travel to the horrible reality know as, Universe GT.

Trunks: Great... Another distortion in history is about to start.

Tony: We are probably going to die in this world aren't we.

Sun: Why not just put the scroll in the microwave, that will solve everyone's problems.

Tony: Sun... My dude, YOU ARE A GENIUS!

Pyrrha: Were not burning the scroll!

tony and sun grew disappointed faces from not being able to put the scroll in the microwave that they might not have.

Chronoa: I see, this distortion of time was probably the result of the wormhole Demigra created.

Yang: Demigra is not even a part of Sealas' plan, I bet.

Tony: Yeah! We blame him for almost everything, I lost my fucking shoes the other week "Oh! it must've been Demigra!" He's been dead for like 3 months now, GET OVER IT!

Sun: If that's the case, we're gonna haft to do something about this.

Tony: Correct, my friend!

Trunks: In this timeline, Baby, the artificial life form from outer space, is our enemy.

Yang: *clears throat* I'm sorry, WHAT?!

Pyrrha: So, were going to a universe where were not going to have to fight cosmic space babies, right?

Trunks: Baby is a powerful enemy that hypnotized Father, Gohan, and many other warriors. So we won't know exactly who we'll be up against. Be careful!

Pyrrha: Sorry, I'm still not following.

Tony: This GT universe is not even the correct timeline, it's not our problem! Just let it burn...!

Yang: OK, Tony. Calm down and let's get over with this.

For this mission Tony, Quaza, Yang, Sun, and Pyrrha were sent to stop the distortion of time in the... GT universe.

*Age 789 AKA A universe that no one gave a shit about*

Our heroes arrive on the planet tuffle that is also planet vegeta but baby brought it back but as his own image. GT Trunks is under Baby's mind control and has Pan cornered. Everyone was ready to fight while Tony and Sun were sight seeing.

Pan: What's wrong, Trunks? You okay? Please open your eyes!

GT Trunks: I was reborn... Reborn as a Tuffle!

Yang: Tuffle? What does he mean by that? Is he being controlled by Baby?

GT Trunks: Annoying lower lifeforms... Begone!

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