Sparks Will Fly - 1

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We were all looking up and so we missed the murder.

I haven't seen Daisy as angry in ages. She was fuming. She has been pacing our dorm ever since it happen muttering under her breath then loudly proclaiming some thing like 'How didn't we notice' or 'We were right there'

It's a well known fact that Daisy needs to know absolutely everything that goes on within the walls and grounds off Deepdean. She has taken every measure to make sure she does. As she paces she reminds herself of these measures. (The informants within the younger years, the trust she has built with the older girls and the handyman along with a select few of the mistresses). Yet with all this there's still thing's going on at school she doesn't understand - the reminder of this from Lavinia doesn't help.

And if I am completely honest I'm have a small feeling of disappointment in us. Our society has solved three murders since starting and yet one happens feet from us and we fail to notice. At our own school the place our careers began last year.

I think about and we haven't changed at all from that fateful day when I found our science mistress, Miss Bell, sprawled on the floor of the gym last October. I have changed at all I'm still the same Hazel with the same straight dark hair framing my round face. Maybe I have changed inside I mean the murder at Fallingford must have affected me in some way and defying my father on the Orient Express was new and so was the feeling when I met Alex......... On the other hand Daisy's taller than ever and blonder by the day but she bounces back from things same as ever and the Fallingford case didn't change her at all even if it was in her own home and brought to light things she probably wish never saw the light of day.

Before the ever tragic fifth of November, Deepdean was mostly tragically normal and I hated it. The changes that happen within me  hadn't seemed to reflect on school in anyway but one. Charlotte Simmonds. She is tall with brown hair and has instantly become popular in our year. She has also filled the sixth empty bed in our dorm room and Daisy is all over her. But the most annoying thing is I can't figure out anything about her and neither can Daisy or anyone else for that matter she is secretive and Daisy can 'sense' that she is hiding a big one. 

But now there's a murder to solve hopefully we can become the Detective Society once more. As the person who has died is our new head girl.

A/N: bare with me I'm struggling to write in Charlotte but all (should) be fine in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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