Zoth and Bruce

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(Fan-made character and canon character; canon compliant relationship)

Notable Relationship Facts:
- Zoth and Bruce are great at calming each other down. Though Bruce has mostly gained control of the Hulk, he sometimes needs Zoth to reel him in. On the flip side, Zoth can sometimes get emotional and she often relies on Bruce as her peaceful center. She focuses on him to help her feel safe and calm in stressful situations, even when he is not present.
- Zoth's favorite movie is 13 Going on 30. She swears that Bruce is a doppelganger of the actor, Mark Ruffalo, who plays the character, Matt Flamhaff, in the movie. Bruce is flattered, but he doesn't see the resemblance at all. Because he knows that Zoth loves the movie, he watches it with her on special occasions and buys her the candy, Razzles, that were an iconic part of the movie.
- Though Zoth and Bruce are biologically the same age, Zoth has been alive longer than he has and her alien blood makes her age much slower. In reality, she is sixty years old to his forty-eight. As a joke, their friends always say that Zoth is a "cougar" for pulling a much younger man. Bruce finds this joke funny. Zoth does not.
- Zoth was the first one to initiate their first kiss. She and Bruce were in a very typical situation, brainstorming solutions to a global threat in Bruce's lab. She was comfortable enough to be in her natural form. They got sidetracked and she started playing a Madonna song. While they were listening, she kissed him out of the blue. He reciprocated, but they never really made it official until one of them proposed.
- Zoth was the one to propose to Bruce. He had been planning it and even had a ring picked out, but before he could work up the nerve to propose, she asked him to marry her on the spot. He said yes.
- Zoth treats Bruce and the Hulk like two separate but equally important people. She recognizes them as separate entities, but she talks to them both at a normal level and loves them both the same.

Theme Song (from Zoth's point of view): Masterpiece by Madonna
Theme Song (from Bruce's point of view): All of Me by John Legend

Relationship names: The Incredible Flare, Zothruce
Love Language: Cuddling, loving glances, flirting, kisses, thoughtful gestures

Relationship tropes:
- "Cougar"

Relationship status: Married

Moodboard (by me!)

Moodboard (by me!)

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