Chapter Nine: Piper

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Hey hey hey!!! Sorry i took so long to update!!!! Anyways i have sad news. My iPod is now banned from 8PM until morning. If i forget to put it downstairs, then it's banned for 24 hours. If that happens ill get Maylie to tell u guys from her iPod. But i don't think it will. Anyways this will result in slower, shorter and less frequent updates. I'm really sorry. But i love this chappie!!!! Luv u guys!!!


Piper was really pissed at her friends. How could they not notice that she was being possessed?! Ever since that black smog in her prison she hadn't been in control- and unfortunately she knew who was. Tartarus. The spirit if hell had been controlling her body and actions. She remembered first waking up...

'Someone was shaking her gently. She opened her eyes but it wasn't her opening her eyes. Something was controlling her. She could see and hear everything, but it was like her soul was trapped in a small corner of her mind. In a cage. She jumped up, but it wasn't her jumping up. A cold, dark sensation had spread over her body. Whoever or whatever was controlling her kissed Jason.

"C'mon beauty queen, lets get you out of here." Jason said laughing. They ran down the tunnel and for the first time the thing inside her talked to her.

"How sweet. The son of Jupiter thinks he can save you. The spirit of the pit is awake and you are now in my control." The voice was cruel, intelligent, and evil. Just like the one who had controlled Percy in her vision. Hearing her thoughts the beast laughed.

"Yes your dear friend Perseus Jackson was rather easy to take over. Such a primitive mindset." '

When they ran into the eight earthborn Piper had thought she was dead. There was no way it would fight for her. But it did. Though she still would have died if Jade hadn't showed up. She was pretty pissed at Jason when he hadn't realised that she couldn't speak fluent greek. At camp she had never been any good at Ancient Greek, and now she was suddenly totally fluent! How had he not noticed?! It made her want to scream, but she couldn't control anything but her thoughts. Which made her want to scream more. But now she knew what was controlling her, ever since Jason had filled her in on what they suspected had taken over Percy. Not that the information had helped her very much. Her friends didn't suspect anything. Tartarus was a really good actor. But she had the smallest amount of hope. Jade. Ever since she had spoken fluent greek with her, she had been giving her suspicious looks. Jade was smart, and she obviously had good instincts. She could tell right off that Leo was a fire user. And she was extremely powerful. Piper suspected that Jade hadn't shared her suspicions with anyone because she was scared of what the others would say if she told them Piper was being controlled by Tartarus. Piper didn't really blame her, but it was still infuriating.

Now she was leading her friends right into a trap. When Hazel had Iris messaged them, she had called to say that they hadn't found anything, and she was coming back to the ship.

"So where exactly did Hazel want us to meet her?" Jason asked her, taking her hand. Normally this would have made her pulse rush, but all she felt was cold and despair. But the beast inside her smiled flirtatiously and said

"Oh not too far. Just down the next street and uh, a bit to the left." The spirit was laughing at her thoughts. She was screaming at Jason to turn away, get away from her in her head.

"He can't leave you. He's really very shallow." The beast said. Piper thought it should shut up. They walked on, Piper and Jason in the front, and Jade and Leo in the back. Jade and Leo were talking and laughing. Despite the desperate situation Piper was kinda glad Leo and Jade were getting on so well. But honestly she had more important things to think about. Like how she was leading her friends into a death trap, and they would think she was a traitor as they died. And she was totally powerless to stop it. They walked up to a tall building.

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