rough start

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None of the references and things are mine only Rose black.

"huaahhh huuhhhhh hummmm" *I gasped and groaned as I ripped a kitchen knife from my arm that someone threw at me.*

*the mob of mist ninjas that just slaughtered my clan and were about to do the same to me, they were hot on my tail as my blood dripped from the wound and turned the snow red under my feet as I kept running.*

"Assholes" ,I say as I pant as my limbs start to get cold from the snow storm that was around me, suddenly a shuriken flew out of the snow around me and slices across my lower back.*

"Auuuugggg shit" *I swear as I fall to the snow as four ninja walk out of the snow and stand around me, from my perspective they looked like black covered monsters with no face just the hidden mist ninja headband glinting in the snow.*

*I was getting angry and terrified, I felt something growing in my core, until I screamed* "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!"

*My scream ripped through the air as I close my eyes and something burst out of me and everything was quite, the ninja, the snow storm, no sound was made for what felt like a minute but was just a few seconds then the storm noise came back and the sound of four bodies falling to the ground around me.

"W-what happened di-did my bloodline limit awaken" *I say to myself as I flex my hand and look at my chest as I feel like something in me had opened up, I feel more of the trees around me and two people not far from me, I spin around and grab one of the kunie from the bodies around me and hold it the vast I can in a defence position.* "Who are you, you coming to kill me too assholes."

*I said as I wait for my life to end.*

"No girl we are no ninja of the most, or at least not anymore" *I shiver as I head the deep voice of an adult man as the the silhouette of a tall man appeared in the snow along with a child around my age standing next to the man.*

"That was a mighty impressive girl, taking down four chunin ninja in an instant, how very interesting, what is your name." *the man said as he knelt down and looked me in the eyes.*

"M-my name is, B-Black Rose from Clan black" *I stuttered out from the cold and the amount of blood lost.*

"Ohhh I know that clan, bloodline limit that takes your chakra but get to manifest raw will power in exchange and from what you just did I assumed you just unlocked it, my my I might have just hit the jackpot pot with you two."

*He said looking from me to the child next to him, then back to me*

"Here is a deal kid, I take you in with me and little Haku here, I'll feed, train, and make you strong but in exchange, in the future when I am ready you will help me overthrow the most village, or I can leave you here to die in the snow."

*I gulp at his words but I think the deal over, after a few seconds I made up my mind.* "I want to live and shit on the most too for what the kage did to us, I join you, umm who are you"

*The man chuckled* "my name is Zabuza Momochi and this is Haku a small boy that I ran into like we did just now"

*His deep voice softens a little and soothes me, I stand up straight and I look him in the eyes.* "You were one of the seven swordsmen of the mist, that Zabuza Momochi, then please train me to use swords like you, if you die I want to take up your blade."

*I said with determination as my new power hums under my skin in my core*

"Hahaha I like the spunk girl, but your a long way off using my blade and plus I'm still alive so you will have to use a different but similar sized sword"

*Zabuza laughed as he patted the long wide blade on his back, Haku waved gently at me.*

"Alright we don't have time to get anything of your stuff so on the way we will have to get you new clothes.*

*And so with those words and a ruffle of my and Haku's hair, the three of us walked away as the four mist ninja died from the cold and were buried in snow.*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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