It was a warm sunny day in New York City. Y/N stood in front of a large wooden door, squinting at the letter in her hand to make sure she got the address correct. She dropped her staircase and studied the note for the hundredth time.

Dear Y/N Y/LN,

After careful consideration, you have been selected to participate in the prestigious Columbia writing program. This program will commence on June 1st for the duration of a month. If you choose to accept, you will receive lodging and food as part of the program and will be asked to remain on campus for the duration of the program. Further information will be provided following your acceptance. Please arrive at the following address for orientation. We look forward to meeting with you.


Dr. Charles Conrad

1150 Amsterdam Ave

New York, NY 10027

     Y/N glanced up at the brass numbers hanging near the door. 1150. This was the place. She took a deep breath and gave three forceful knocks, announcing her arrival. About thirty seconds later, an older man opened the door, a polite smile on his face.

     "Miss Y/LN?" he asked.

     Y/N nodded. "Yes sir."

     He swung the door open further and gestured her inside. "Please, do come in."

     She stepped into the large parlor, eyes wide as she glanced around the mansion. From the floor to the ceiling, everything was polished wood. An elegant chandelier hung above their heads, and a large staircase with a balcony stretched out around them. Y/N couldn't help but stairs at all of the intricate details from the rugs to the candle holders. It was like she had been transported back in time.

     "Let us go into my office," Dr. Conrad said, slowly walking towards the hallways on the left.

     Y/N followed, consciously matching her steps with his much slower ones. He seemed to be in his 60s or 70s, and although he didn't walk with a cane, he was still rather slow. He made small talk, asking about her drive and they walked through the winding halls. Finally, they reached what seemed like a dead end until he tilted a portrait on the wall, revealing a small handle. He twisted it and the wall creaked open, revealing a small doorway into a gorgeous study.

     "After you," he said, nodding.

     Y/N stepped inside and almost gasped. There were 20 foot bookshelves against every wall, and heavy red drapes hung over two large windows on the far side. Stunning leather furniture created a cozy seating area in the middle of the room, and an old wooden desk sat nearby, completely buried under books and papers. It looked like a scene from a movie.

     "This is beautiful," Y/N said, setting her suitcase on the ground and taking in her surroundings.

     "Miss Y/LN, I'm afraid I have brought you here under false pretenses," Dr. Conrad stood several feet away from her, his hands folded.

      Immediately, Y/N got nervous. And this is the part where I get murdered, she thought to herself.

     "You have in fact been selected for a program," he explained, "but not for writing. In fact, it is far more important than that. Please, sit down."

     Y/N sunk into a leather armchair nearby and placed her hands nervously in her lap.

     "Ok, let's see. Where to begin," He scratched his chin and then smiled at her. "I guess the beginning would be best. For starters, how do you suppose we came about selecting you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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