07. The letter

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Hope you're doing alright. Gotta talk about the Weasley twins. Seriously, they're cramping my style. I can handle things on my own, you know? No offense, but it's a bit much. Can we dial it back a notch? I promise I won't set anything on fire.



"Is that good enough?" Estelle saw how her friends read the letter she had just written to her father. The purpose was clear; getting rid of the Weasley twins as soon as possible.

Her expression dropped as she noted the group's reaction to the short petition. "What's wrong?" She added to her first question trying to catch the letter from Neville's hands.

"Well..." Neville started looking hesitant as he gave her the letter back. Estelle raised her eyebrows encouraging him to go on. The boy was struggling to find the right words "It's..."

"It's what?" She asked desperately.

Luna jumped in to 'save' her friend, "We think your letter it's not necessarily convincing," The girl's voice remained calm as she uttered her sentence. One thing Estelle valued about Luna, was how blunt she could be despite her kind nature. "It sounds a bit immature, but it's okay because it sounds like you!"

Estelle gasped in offense "Are you calling me immature?" In moments like this, talking to Luna Lovegood (the most honest person in the world) wasn't the best moral support she could've asked for.

So there she was, writing another letter until all her friends agreed on how it might work only if her father decided to show a little empathy for the insufferable year that awaited her if the situation kept going.

Cool air tingled her skin as she made her way to the owlery to send the letter to Remus. A dark blue sky covered all in shadow alerting Estelle of the imminent curfew.

She tied the letter to an owl and observed as it flew away, batting its wings and starting to make its way to London.


A shiver ran down her spine, and Estelle internally cursed how this night was one of the coldest she had ever experienced despite the warm Scottish days of September.

Estelle crossed her arms around her chest and pulled her hands into the sleeves of her robe to warm up at least for a moment. She hurried to the Gryffindor common room but echoes of steps that were not her own disturbed her walk.

She looked left and right only noticing there was no place to hide, just an empty and long corridor with no visible end or beginning from the stop she was standing at.

Something only her friends knew was that the young girl feared Argus Filch with all of her soul, and she wasn't mentally prepared to face him in a dark place with no other people around. Estelle could almost picture his dry lips opening to show yellow teeth as he screamed at her.

Another shiver ran down her spine and it wasn't because of the cold.

She closed her eyes tightly when the footsteps were even more audible. As if Filch and his terrifying cat waited for her just around the corner.

Deep breaths Estelle, deep fucking breaths....

Recognition dawned on Estelle as she was scooped up, the touch of a pair of hands on her waist sent a jolt through her skin.

She became aware that it was him as he carried her while running frenetically. It was obvious she wasn't the only one disrespecting the night curfew because eventually when they were far from the initial hallway, he placed her down behind the veil of a dusty tapestry that hung from the wall.

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