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The soft humming was heard from a corner table in mondstats angles share. The audible arguing of others mixed well in the humming, the humming turned into small "aaah ah aah ah ah aaah" (that looks so goofy but I'm imagining it as something good 😨😨) mysterious green smoke enveloped the ground soon to absorbed by the red amulet fastened around her next, almost like a choker. A glare appeared, wiping over the gem and she sighed in contentment. The woman removed herself from the table walking to the door, failing to notice the lingering gaze of the owner. The slight creak and jingle of the bell signaled her leave. Diluc, the owner was astonished 'how could someone walking be so...enchanting, and her voice...oh so beautiful' the glass cup he held slipped through his gloved fingers, the shattering noise attracted the once arguing people of the tavern. Diluc sent a light nod their way, a quiet  way of saying 'stop staring please everything's alright'.

Back to the main woman herself, Yn, a banished siren from that a fused world. Transferred to another only to be dead waged by some stupid teenage girls who music sucks and be banish and send away again. Separated from her family, well not blood but they only had each other. She missed the way Aria and Sonata would fight, she swore if they ever reunited she'd never complain again.

Sighing to herself she flipped her hood off revealing a high ponytail with a rhine stone band looking this around it. Speaking of which her outfit was kinda punk it looked like (pls look up adagio outfit I'm too lazy to explain 😔) . She let the night wind sweep through her hair as she continued her walk to her home.

That's all I'm doing bc I'm in the car 😔🤞

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