New beginning

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-The next day-


'What a day, the same old sucky energy that I barely have enough to live off of' sighing I held my pendant staring at it 'what a pain..'  I closed my eyes and started humming. Walking sure is a pain in the butt. Right when I opened my eyes I was met with the face of a blonde headed boy "AH!" We both yelled out "what's your deal?" I said, clearly frustrated. "S-sorry" the boy said 'why's he so red, I better keep my distanced he might sick' backing up slowly I scoffed and continued my way "w-wait!" "What?!" I snapped turning to him "I was wondering in you'd like to accompany me on my journey" "we just met, why are you asking me this?" I noticed the boy shift on one foot "j-just wondering, you seemed lonely?" I side  eyed him, placing a hand on my hip looking him up and down "I am lonely, but I don't really know you" 'it's not like I can't defend myself'.

"Think about it?" He asked me with ashy smile "sure" only when I put my full attention in him I saw a white haired child in his arms ".you're a dad?" "What?.., NO NO THATS MY PARTNER" "oh ok, no need to shout" I could tell he got embarrassed and I couldn't help but smile "you know what, you seem like a cool guy, I'll go with you" "GREAT! Right now I'm heading to dawn winery to discuss some business with the owner and some other people" "ok, what's your name I never got it"I said and I outstretched my hand, pointing it towards him 'I'm starting to get hungry again' I sighed "o-oh my names Aether, and this emergency food is paimon and you? I never got it either haha" the 'paimon' woke up abruptly "FOOD!?!" "No." I said  "huh?" She paused and turned to look at me, narrowing her eyes  "who're you?" She yelled putting her tiny hands on her hips "I'm y/n Aethers new partner, and you're I suppose also" "ohh ok! Paimon is paimon" " I heard" 

3rd POV:

Paimon drew closer to the girl, her tiny hand reached out to touch the stone only to get her hand harshly slapped away "Ouch! What was that for" paimon said holding her slapped hand "oh! Haha sorry this gem  is just very important to me.." y/n forced a laugh as a strained smile made it way to her face. Aether easily noticing her discomfort quickly went to grab paimon back "sorry about her, she doesn't know what personal space it" paimon looked bewildered as aether glared at her out the corner of his eye 'weird, aether never acts like this..' "well uhm, Yn! Let's get a move on?" He asked holding his hand out with a smile "sure" she replied not really paying attention.

I write really short chapter btw, I don't have the attention span and bc I do that I'm going to try and update at least 3 times a week depending on school 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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