And There Was Morning

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The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo is a 16th century Renaissance painting depicting The Genesis Creation Story, as The LORD God, יהוה, is reaching down, touching, and forming Adam אדם, the Man is lifting his finger in gratitude, regalia and independence.

"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it

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"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Gen. 1:28 NIV)

The painting depicts an aftermath, as the scene is post-creation, and God is departing sovereignty and trust to Adam, and is topping off His masterpiece with the Keystone, and centerpiece. His very image, and signature.

The LORD procedes to Rest for the 7th Day.

The First Shabbat Shalom

However, we all know how this story ends... Man partakes of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Keystone falls, and the rest of God's handiwork collapses, as the Keystone is what holds all things together.

Proceeding to a long ordeal of exile, killing, sweating, confusion, spiraling... empires and kingdoms rising and falling one after another, as Man attempts in vain to restore Paradise Lost.

Michelangelo's creation story is partially tragedy, as one grieves deadly premonition for what comes later in the story.

This grieving causes Man's face to change, from gratitude to jealousy, Man desires to recreate himself in the image of God. To scoff his eye at his creator, and desires to be like him, in double blind experiment, where Adam forgets who he really is.

This split and change in his consciousness upon assumption of the Knowledge of Good and Evil produces within himself a sort of Paranoid Schizophrenia, God becomes a Commanding Voice, and Man can no longer tell the difference between God and The Devil.

Upon several tragedies which proceed from the Exile, Man loses their common language, and fracture, and enslave each other, Cain against Abel, brother against brother, Shem against Ham, Isaac against Ishmael, Jacob against Esau.

Blood becomes bitter, and spills, and poisons the Earth, and The Mother of All Creation is cursed by Birth Pains, and the Father of Many Nations with Thistles and Thorns rising from the Ground fertilized by the bodies of his sons.

From Dust you came and to Dust you shall return.

The Sun becomes Hot and Proud, the Moon becomes Cold and Drunk, and Stars begin to spin and groan, and quarrel

Mercury conspires, Venus usurps and enslaves the morning sky, Mars claims Fear and Panic as his sons, and declares War on God and Men, Jupiter slays his father Saturn, and his deathrattle imprisons condemns the gods and men to Hard Labor, the March of Time. Uranus closes the heavens in claustrophobia, Neptune shakes the oceans and scatters the swimming things, and Pluto takes gatekeep for the mark of Cain.

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