Wispers in the moonlight

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Chapter 1
Whispers in the Moonlight

In the ethereal realm of Eldoria, where magic danced in every gust of wind and love potions were sold at every corner apothecary, Lysandra, a skilled enchantress, often felt out of place. Her raven-black hair contrasted sharply with her pale skin, and her eyes-like molten gold-held secrets of a past she wished to forget.

Each evening, she would retreat to the gardens of Lumina Palace, where the moon's embrace made the flowers glow and the nightingales sang tales of ancient romances. It was her sanctuary, her escape from the prying eyes of the court and the weight of her responsibilities.

Unknown to her, a lone figure often watched her from the shadows of the ancient willows-Aurelius, the Crown Prince of Eldoria. He was known for his valor in battle and his kindness among his people. But beneath his princely facade lay a heart that yearned for a love as deep as the oceans and as boundless as the skies.

One fateful night, as Lysandra whispered an incantation to coax a wilted rose back to life, a sudden rustle alerted her to a presence. Before she could react, a tall figure stepped into the moonlight, revealing the prince's handsome face, illuminated by the silvery glow.

"Forgive me," Aurelius began, his voice as smooth as velvet. "I did not mean to startle you."

Lysandra, taken aback by his sudden appearance, hesitated before replying, "Why do you watch me from afar, my lord?"

Aurelius approached her slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. "I've heard tales of your enchantments, of the wonders you create with a mere flick of your wrist. I wished to see the enchantress who holds such power."

She lowered her gaze, feeling the weight of his words. "I am but a servant of the realm, fulfilling my duties."

He reached out, gently lifting her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Yet, I see sadness in those golden depths. What burdens you, Lysandra?"

She pulled away, her heart racing. "That is not your concern, Prince Aurelius."

He sighed, the weight of his own responsibilities pressing down on him. "Perhaps not, but know this: in a realm where masks are many, I find myself drawn to the mystery that is you."

The two stood in silence, the air thick with tension. It was clear that their paths had intertwined for a reason neither could yet fathom. As the first rays of dawn began to paint the horizon, Lysandra spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then let us discover that reason together, my lord."

Aurelius smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "As equals, as companions in this dance of fate?"

She nodded, a newfound hope blossoming within her heart. "As companions."

Little did they know, their journey together would test not only their resolve but the very fabric of Eldoria's destiny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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